Grixis Eldrazi Aggro Deck Help

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on April 24, 2016, 8:40 p.m. by Triton

Link to the deck here

I've wanted to make a 3-color deck for a while, and this is what I've came up with. After trying to make RB Eldrazi for a while, I decided to turn what I had of the deck into this.

The deck has been performing how I intend it to perform, but more often than I'd like to, I end having to mulligan once or twice. I've been considering using dual lands, but as the ones I currently own rotated out, I've decided to turn to the OGW dual lands, but don't know how to do the best ratios.

Would like advice for the Creatures, Instants and Sorceries too, but since I'm building this on a tight budget, I would want the suggestions to be cheap in order to keep this deck as budget as possible. I also do intend to keep it three colors, since I do want to try out a three-color deck, and I enjoy the synergy between the Eldrazi.

HeavyR says... #2

Doing Grixis colors does afford you to spread out and claim many, many powerful support spells and eldrazi themselves. I played this deck before last rotation, with a full suite of fetchlands, and i can tell you, it was brutal even then. Getting Wastes basically makes this a 4 color build and it would be even more difficult now without fetches.

April 24, 2016 10:53 p.m.

Triton says... #3

Agreed for sure. Been juggling around numbers for a while, and the deck still doesn't perform as fast as I want it. Doesn't necessarily mean I'll quit on the deck, but it's been in constant building. Corrupted Crossroads has helped for sure, though.

If all else fails, I may switch to UR Eldrazi, but I'm not giving up yet. Grixis Control may be another route to go, but I enjoy the speed and power of aggro.

April 24, 2016 11:03 p.m.

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