Grixis Pirates in Standard
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 17, 2018, 10:58 p.m. by Bennett_Stokes
I believe that pirates have been forgotten due to the fact that when they were originally printed it was not possible to make a three color pirate deck because of the mana base, now, however it should be possible to accomplish and I have been trying to do just that. This is my list so far Grixis Pirate Aggro and I am trying to take this deck to the next level so any suggestion would be great!
I came up with this deck that has been having moderate success in arena Thar be monsters needin stealing
Argy says... #2
The issue with Pirates is that you really need to maintain too many of them on the board at the same time, in order to create an overwhelming engine.
That is hard to do with both Shock and Lightning Strike in Standard.
I've left my other thoughts on your deck.
October 18, 2018 9:50 a.m.