Grixis spells idea
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 21, 2016, 4:19 p.m. by magicarp03
If anyone remembers the U/R spells/ Fevered Visions deck from last standard, I had an idea for a new version of that running Alms of the Vein, Key to the City, Harnessed Lightning, etc. Ideas?
if you're going to run key to the city, you might be able to combo off with Curious Homunculus Flip, discarding alms to key, getting a prowess trigger, making it unblockable, throw in maybe some Slip Through Space Galvanic Bombardment, Fiery Temper Negate Unsubstantiate, Void Shatter maybe even Drag Under, some number of Anticipate, Crush of Tentacles as maybe a one of, Torrential Gearhulk as a 1 of. for some more draw Catalog is a good 3 mana madness enabler, Tormenting Voice works at 2 mana... Just return to hand spells to fuel the damage your Voracious Reader hits for and then cheaper removal to get prowess triggers, maybe even Ongoing Investigation to get you draw and give you an artifact for Unlicensed Disintegration to hit.
October 22, 2016 2:24 a.m.
the one thing you should consider is that Alms of the Vein is a very low impact card and while it is cheap, you can do the same damage to a player for one mana by casting Fiery Temper for 1, and gaining 3 life might not always be as relevant as you think, (it may not change the outcome or effect your chances of winning as much as you might think.) Being able to remove creatures is a bit more versatile.
October 22, 2016 2:26 a.m.
Dynavolt Tower is amazing, it gives you a free lightning bolt after every third spell you cast. Pick a direction and try to make the deck focused. with Dynavolt Tower its about burn to the face, removal, and coutermagic. With Curious Homunculus Flip and Key to the City its about attacking for unblockable damage, protecting your threats and getting prowess triggers. Fevered Visions fits in both arhcitypes I think.
BLEATH says... #2
Dynavolt Tower? This card makes UR spells still a thing. Not sure about the madness mechanic in it, though.
October 21, 2016 6:21 p.m.