GU Ramp Combo

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 29, 2015, 8:29 p.m. by Bandulf

GU Eldrazil Ramp

I want to play this Deck for Game Day. The Ramp Combo works realy great, but it breaks under high pressure.

wakawakawaka says... #2

none of your enchantments are particularly good, kiora fulfills both of their roles better than they do. I'd cut both coralhelm and from beyond to flesh out the playset of kiora (as cute as the interaction between coralhelm and explosive is, kiora's just better overall in my opinion).

you could splash red mainboard (rattleclaw makes it reasonably easy) for Serpentine Spike (ik it's not incredible but it's servicable), Dragonlord Atarka, Rolling Thunder, or Radiant Flames to deal with more aggressive decks (speaking of atarka, atarka's a lot better than bane of bala ged, it gets hella value the moment it hits the board and doesnt die to Roast).

as cool as ramp is, you're going to fold to aggro every time if you don't have early game interaction or explosive mid game plays.

September 29, 2015 10:26 p.m.

HorridBEAST says... #3

You don't really need the untap ramp combo. You already have enough mana dorks to ramp out Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger on turn 5:

T1: Land -> T2: Land, Whisperer/Rattleclaw -> T3: Land, Shaman -> T4: Land, Explosive Vegetation -> T5: Land, Ulamaog. BTW, you should be running Ulamog.

Aggro should be tough, but not unstoppable you can block early 1/1s with Whisperer of the Wilds or a morphed Den Protector/Rattleclaw Mystic and a turn 3 Shaman of Forgotten Ways will block pretty much everything in mono-red/Atarka-red, by then you have the mana for a T4 Bane of Bala Ged. Then for game 2, just sideboard in some Jaddi Offshoot to block anything and gain a little life

September 30, 2015 10:26 a.m.

Bandulf says... #4

Ulamog is a great Card, but too clunky. It would be great to find a way make these Bales hasty. Surrak alone is a little bit risky.

What would you put in the Sideboard to beat Abzan Matchups?

September 30, 2015 11:42 a.m.

HorridBEAST says... #5

A turn 5 10/10 indestructible that exiles 2 permanents on casting and exile/mills for 20 on attack? BTW that "when cast" is huge, that means even if a control deck counters Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger you still get to exile 2 permanents. I'm not sure how Ulamog is clunky and Bane of Bala Ged isn't. Sure its 3 mana cheaper, but if it gets countered you get nothing and neither of them have hast or trample. When Bane attacks they exile 2 permanents, if Ulamog can declare 3 attacks your opponent is decked, that's awesome.

There are plenty of ways to get through for massive damage. Give Ulamog or Bane flying with Stratus Walk (even replaces itself too). You could always go Temur colors and then you can run Temur Ascendancy and then you can throw in Temur Battle Rage to get Ulamog in for 20 damage or Bane in for 14. And in Temur colors you can run Dragonlord Atarka like the first guy said

September 30, 2015 11:58 a.m.

Bandulf says... #6

No doubt Umamog is a great Card, but 10 Mana on Turn 5 is not certain.I play testing Bane, but i would be glad to find a 6 CMC Card instead.

The last Season i played RG Devotion a lot on tournaments and i know how easy it is for our enemys to interrupt our strategy.

less ramp -> okmore power -> greatbut only with a lower curveI love Temur Colours, but the Red Part is kind of useless at this time.

September 30, 2015 12:19 p.m.

HorridBEAST says... #7

If you don't like 7+ mana then you shouldn't be playing Eldrazi. A committed ramp deck will always have these problems. Obviously turn 5 Ulamog requires a perfect hand and no disruption, but that's why you have back up plans. Oh no! You don't have the explosive veg for Ulamog, well how about Bane of Bala Ged, or Dragonlord Atarka, or Omnath, Locus of Rage, or Oblivion Sower, or Drowner of Hope, or Skysnare Spider, or Whisperwood Elemental, or Windrider Patrol, or Guardian of Tazeem, or Thunderbreak Regent, or any other high impact bomb that you could drop easily on turn 5, some of them even turn 4.

As for Temur colors you just asked how to give all your eldrazi haste. and red is far from useless with burn and some of the biggest bombs outside of eldrazi.

September 30, 2015 12:43 p.m.

TheNextRedDude says... #8


Ulamog is not clunky, you just need to understand how to play it right. Don't listen to them, Ula, don't listen to them.

September 30, 2015 5 p.m.

benji56 says... #9

Im thinking 5 color bring to light but calling it 5 color bring to light instead of temur go sultai u get tormenting thoughts and taigams scheming along with gather the pack to fill your graveyard with bane or ula then obvi u play whisperer and rattle claw ive been debating on honored hierarch then u play the tango/fetchland land base and then bring to light or ramp into fearsome awakening or necrmantic sumMons..... ula is not clunky but by reanimating him u dont get the cast exile 2 but he gets 2 1/1 counters from necro summons as does bane placing ban ed outta roast range :) now rattleclaw alows us to easily ramp into atarka but u want to focus on sultai stuff main bc of its controlling nature the 5 colors are just to make sure u hit a full bring to light if needed then we get ojutai if we couldnt hit the ramp or combo or fearsome awak makes her 2/2 stronger while comboing so many versitile tool box interactions its unbelievable bc any threat or answer can be found by bring to light and then with gather the pack and taigams scheming (2/4 split bc schemings allow u to leave or rearrange the top 5 as gather just mills u for 5 ) but thats where jace becomes amazing flashing back whatever u dumped by accident.....

October 10, 2015 11:24 p.m.

benji, way to necropost!

October 11, 2015 9:20 a.m.

This discussion has been closed