Having some issues with my B/W Allies deck
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 5, 2015, 12:20 p.m. by shepherdofire
I have been having some issues with my black white allies deck, too many to list in the title. I could go 3-1 if not for miss plays but that's not all that goes into it.
1) my mana floods but if I use less lands I can't cast the cards I have.
2) I don't draw enough creatures. Removal and blocks eat my creatures as well as enchantment removal. If I were able to draw more creatures I would be fine. But if I add more creatures I dint know what to take out.
3) stablizing. I have trouble stabilizing after my opponent or I board wipes, even though I have March from the Tomb it doesn't seem to be enough.
Please know I want to hear your opinion and look at your advice. I may not take it because it may not be something I am looking to do. I have been working on this deck since October and have it almost there in terms of finding the perfect balance.
My deck:
shepherdofire says... #3
You're right. If I have more creatures to draw I don't need draw to dig for creatures. Bones has helped in the past but now it's helping my opponent more.
e10mays says... #2
Depending on how much you like read the bones, you could replace it with Blood-Cursed Knight or Kor Bladewhirl, more Duress if you're looking to stop board wipes.
December 6, 2015 10:40 a.m.