Help me break Omnicience
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 2, 2018, 12:39 a.m. by stensiagamekeeper
Despite full knowing it isn't gonna be anywhere close to top tier. I really want to build something in standard with Omniscience (O.S.). My criteria is that O.S. has to be either the MVP or at least a viable alternate win condition for the deck. I'd appreciate it if people posted decklists running it, give suggestions or just share their thoughts below.
I'll post some decklists as I finish them but for now here's some of my rough concepts:
- UG version of the standard 'Elf Ball' list running multiple O.S. and a Nexus of Fate. All the elf mana dorks+Beast Whisperer/Vanquisher's Banner. Ramp into O.S. and draw you deck.
Treasure Map Flip + all 6 land drops can can mean 10 mana on turn 6.
Salvager of Secrets/Naru Meha, Master Wizard/The Mirari Conjecture + Blink of an Eye/River's Rebuke/Quasiduplicate/Unexplained Disappearance+ Diamond Mare/Diligent Excavator etc for post O.S. infinite something.
Nexus of Fate turns
I'll still be adding stuff to this list as people suggest things.
stensiagamekeeper says... #3
Wow completely forgot the djinn was a thing. That guy with ways of controlling/knowing the top card of your library could be the way to go. Riverwise Augur looks sweet and I'm also thinking more surveil cards or Search for Azcanta Flip even.
November 2, 2018 5:17 a.m.
Wendigo4481 says... #4
Precognition Field or two in the deck maybe Enhanced Surveillance strictly to keep from decking. I'm sort of still trying to figure out how not to die to aggro decks and balance the control elements.
November 2, 2018 1:08 p.m.
TypicalTimmy: No card in Standard allows you to cast cards from outside the game. Mastermind's Acquisition allows you to wish for a card from outside the game and put it into your hand, which can then promptly be cast by Omnicience .
You would not be able to use Emrakul - in a competitive game, you can only wish for cards from your sideboard. So, it would still have to be a Standard-legal card.
Outside of Standard (and thus outside the bounds of this thread), there's only one card in the entire game that lets you cast items from outside the game - Spawnsire of Ulamog. Since the activated ability is the wish, you can't really cheat this with Omnicience . My girlfriend has an incredibly fun-to-play hyper ramp deck that can consistently fire off an early Spawnsire of Ulamog, allowing her to clear the board with All Is Dust, to gain all their permanents with It That Betrays, to win on the extra turn provided by Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. It's pretty amazing.
Wendigo4481 says... #2
I brewed this up this morning.djinn of wishes know's all
November 2, 2018 12:49 a.m.