Help me choose...
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on March 28, 2016, 7:49 a.m. by xavrr
So, I don't know which card to have in this deck:
Village Messenger (Currently Using) (Flip Side: Moonrise Intruder)
Here's the deck:
Keral Keep, Est. 7428
Lightning Berserker is not good on turn 1. It's good on turn 4, and you need a good one drop (RIP Swiftspear).
You already have a good turn 4, with Abbot of Keral Keep functioning as a value 4 drop, or an Exquisite Firecraft + one drop.
I would strongly recommend Village Messenger, because it has almost Goblin Guide power of you are going first. You play your messenger, they play their tapped land, you flip your messenger and begin the beatdown.
Also, messenger has haste without you having to bounce it back to your hand. Also, flip cards are fun.
March 28, 2016 8:39 a.m.
Thanks to both
I am probably going to go with messengers, because: Censuring: I don't really have to take a turn off to flip it because my opponent most likely doesn't have one drops or plays a tapped land so they can flip it for me.
Censuring says... #2
I think that beserker would fit better for a couple reasons. You can dash it for a single mana letting it enable surge multiple turns for the bushwacker whenever you draw it. It will more reliably hit for 2 a turn bc it wont make you take a turn off to flip and then your opponent can just flip it back to a 1/1 basically skipping your turn. Chandra wants multiple things cast while abbot gives you the fuel to do so making them worse if you arent trying to cast things to flip wolves
March 28, 2016 8:33 a.m.