Help on Post rotation Abzan lifegain deck
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 22, 2015, 5:12 p.m. by IsThisWolfe
How much life do i have again? (BFZ)
After looking through all of the BFZ spoilers i have decided to try and build this deck. So far it seems like everything in it works really well together but i dont know how viable this could be at FNM. Any suggestions on trying to make this deck better and more competitive are welcome.
DreadnoughtMTG says... #3
I built a version with Felidar Sovereign that seems to be doing well in testing. Alhammarret's Archive has done some work for the deck.
I built it as an Abzan Control type deck using fat-bottomed creatures and mostly removal. Abzan Charm can pull decent double duty for card draw and removal (draw 3 lose 2 life with Archive out). Den Protector helps to create some card advantage also. The new Stasis Snare is incredible.
Top end, I'm currently testing with Dragonlord Dromoka as a hefty beater limiting opponents board interactions on my turn. I think Defiant Bloodlord could maybe be better just to switch your win con if Sovereign is murdered. I currently don't have many lifelink creatures so I cut the Bloodlord from my build.
September 23, 2015 10:04 p.m.
That 0/6 wall is something I was considering, but there's too many good options. I'm leaning towards a build that can overwhelm and win without needing 40 life, but has that as a nice option to end games faster. Seems a little late to test with proxies now, might as well just get the real cards in a week.
September 24, 2015 12:36 a.m.
Beware of others sideboarding Tainted Remedy, it might be wise to carry some defense against it. I know I'm packing 3x in my own side because of those many who will try this.
September 24, 2015 7:46 a.m.
IsThisWolfe says... #6
thewyzman, thats one reason im running Dromoka's Command, also i think i might add Enlightened Ascetic to the sideboard to have hard enchantment removal.
September 24, 2015 7:53 a.m.
@thewyzman True, people are already packing Tainted Remedy because of the sudden popularity of mono white / lifegain which will only be way more popular (or abzan) soon.
September 24, 2015 11:27 a.m.
After playing it in EDH against my friend's Oloro, Ageless Ascetic deck and laughing all the way home, and trying it in standard against decks with Seeker of the Way and/or Soulfire Grand Master, who will undoubtedly still continue seeing play.
September 24, 2015 11:38 a.m.
I just added 2 of them to my esper deck SB. Not even a bad play against a siege rhino :)
Slowgod says... #2
Who isn't going to try this? I have a build on my profile I keep changing, it went from pure life gain shenanigans to life gain with +1/+1 counters. After building the deck I found it had no card draw so I thought about using Inspiring Call and Mastery of the Unseen. If you really want to go big there's Feed the Clan combo with Defiant Bloodlord and or Felidar Sovereign is brutal. I think the deck needs a better way to draw extra cards
September 22, 2015 5:25 p.m.