Help with a home brew built from a "tier 2" deck

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 25, 2015, 2:38 a.m. by UpperDeckerTaco

So I remember first watching the Turbo Fog deck from Chicago, and instantly loved it, but it had some issues that I couldn't look past and it wasn't until recently that I have decided to restructure that deck by utilizing something Ali Aintrazi suggested as a possibility, splashing a color. I chose white, and so far, came up with this brew: Bant Turbo Fog. I added white for only a few cards. My meta is full of red decks and other very aggressive strategies. I chose 1 End Hostilities in main and 1 for the board because I also do have some midrange decks floating around. Also I really wanted to add Ojutai's Command because it is so versatile. I did something different by using Elvish Visionary as an early blocker and a cantrip spell. Along with Ojutai's Command bringing this back as a blocker, drawing a card off of the trigger and either gaining 4 life or drawing a 2nd card works very well with Sphinx's Tutelage. For the side I added 3 Arashin Cleric versus the very aggressive meta I face.

I want to make this deck viable. It's main weaknesses are a resolved Wild Slash with a ferocious trigger (rarely seen in my meta, maybe 1 or 2 decks), but we have that covered with our counter magic, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, but what deck doesn't have an issue with a resolved Ugin (which is everywhere, but we have some counter magic for that), Dragonlord Dromoka, hence the mainboard Reality Shift, maybe a turn 1 or turn 2 Thoughtseize but that's inevitable, and of course, a Sphinx's Tutelage mirror match (most common: U/R which is being played like crazy at my lgs). What are some suggestions for this deck and what are some ways to improve the build?

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