Help with brewing up a Humans deck
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on April 24, 2016, 12:17 a.m. by readerrw07
Yeah I know I could probably netdeck something easily, but I dont really want to. I wanna build GWX Humans. Just not sure what the X should be, or if I should just stick with GW.
For the base GW deck, some choices are obvious
Thraben Inspector is a solid one-drop that will make a cantrip when it enters
Hanweir Militia Captain Flip to make tokens and give me a solid 2-drop
Thalia's Lieutenant Shouldnt Surprise anyone
Archangel Avacyn Flip luckily I pulled one here so this will be a solid one-of that can see use
Duskwatch Recruiter Flip Could go in there as a way to dig mid-game
Tireless Tracker seems like a 4-of to me. Landfall Investigate and gets bigger with more clues
Sigarda, Heron's Grace Probably a two-of and topping my mana curve with the one Avacyn.
Some I'm not sure on, and would like thoughts on whether theyre worth trying
Odric, Lunarch Marshal (With Sigarda, I could see him working well as a one or two-of)
For blue, there's Reflector Mage obviously, but aside from that, there's really only Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip, and if I wanted to buy playsets of $80 cards, Id just play Legacy. With a Clue-focus, I could also use Daring Sleuth Flip. Aside from those two creatures, not sure how good the combo would be without Jace
Black gives us... Liliana, Heretical Healer Flip, Anguished Unmaking, To the Slaughter, and I'm really not sure what else honestly
What do you guys think? Any advice on the best way to approach this deck? Preferrably that doesnt point me toward mtgtop8 and say "copy dis"
readerrw07 says... #3
I apologize if my last sentence rubbed anyone the wrong way. I didnt really consider how that sounded vs how I meant it. I just get tired of basically hearing "Hey Finkle used this deck last week at the pro tour you should copy it"
Thank you for the input though. I have been recocmended WU Humans with a couple Ojutai at the top end as opposed to using green. What do you guys think?
April 24, 2016 8:38 p.m.
I am running monowhite and just even tweaked my deck to be even more aggro. Thraben Inspector is awesome, since it lets me dig deeper as I'm running out of gas. Thalia's Lieutenant and Always Watching are the keys to the deck really exploding. Hanweir Militia Captain Flip is sitting squarely in my maybe pile, as I've faced it in the mirror and it seems pretty easy to keep under control.
When I get tired of this build, I might transition to WB, since I have the entire W removal suite assembled, but would need to gather the B and WB together. It would veer away from the humans theme, though.
DaftVader says... #2
Well, without the ability to link you to mtgtop8... I'm going to have to say Den Protector, Always Watching , Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Gryff's Boon, Knight of the White Orchid, Consul's Lieutenant, Archangel of Tithes and possibly even Stoneforge Masterwork because yay tribal.
If this seems like I took it all off top 8 lists... it's probably because I did tbh.
April 24, 2016 8:04 a.m.