Help with Jeskai Dragons
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 11, 2015, 6:09 p.m. by Arvail
Hey everyone. First off, thanks for taking a look at my deck. It's built with cards I had access to, so it's somewhat on budget. You can find my deck here.
Anyways, there's a few things I've noticed. For one, the treasure cruises feel terrible. I don't land enough card in my yard to benefit from the delve all that much. I regularly cast it from 3 to 5 mana anyways. It's got me thinking about dropping them or going to Ugin's Insight instead. Thoughts? Is this a good replacement? What should I do with it?
Second, I'm worried about my sideboard. I suspect my local meta will have lots of atarka red and well as warrior aggro. I want to be able to deal with that as well as green midrange decks. Is Touch of the Void worh running if I want to exile deathmist raptors and hangarbacks? Should I just go with a 3rd horribly awry?
UpperDeckerTaco says... #3
Arashin Cleric is necessary. It's so good versus Atarka Red especially when paired with an Ojutai's Command. Play AC, gain 3, chump, then return with OC and gain 7, that's 10 more life than the red deck expected to deal with. They run out of cards in hand and they go into top deck mode, all while you're playing blue so you should be able to generate way more card advantage. I would prefer you to run Treasure Cruise but fetches help dramatically with that. Also, Stasis Snare is good enough in the main. Split 2-2 with Jeskai Charm and you should have no problems. Maybe 1 extra Snare in the side for when your opponent just poops out creatures. Draconic Roar is fine as a main board card because of the synergy, and Silkwrap is a great sideboard card as a 2 of, 3 of at most.
October 12, 2015 1:09 a.m.
I feel like my 5cmc slot is clogged up as is. I need Ojutai and Icefall to cast scorn and roar. I don't like Seeker either, but I really have no alternatives as far as creatures of 2 cmc are concerned. Silkwrap sounds appealing. Is Arashin Cleric worth running without the command?
October 12, 2015 7:29 a.m.
Mandalorian says... #5
UpperDeckerTaco may be right but I think it's a card that used to be good against red because of the 3 life and chump block but these red decks are different. If a Swiftspear attacks and you block with the Cleric then you still may be looking at 9 trample damage from Temur Battle Rage + Titan's Strength . I would prefer an answer than a chump blocker personally.
October 12, 2015 10:52 a.m.
Surge of Righteousness is starting to look very appealing
October 12, 2015 11:42 a.m.
Mandalorian says... #7
Let them dump there combat tricks into a creature then kill it and gain 2
October 12, 2015 12:37 p.m.
Something I've noted is that most Jeskai lists run 25 lands whereas I run 24. Considering how lackluster the cruises have been, I've been thinking about replacing one with an additional land. What do you guys think? Also, I've now updated the sideboard to reflect the advice you've given me. I'm liking it based on appearance. No playtesting yet. Thanks.
October 12, 2015 3:19 p.m.
Mandalorian says... #9
I think that would be fine. I run 4 Jace in my Jeskai deck and only have 2 Digs. I think without Jace your more than fine running 1 less Cruise without something feeding the delve.
Jeskai Flyers (BFZ) Playtest
If your still iffy on Seekers maybe you can do a 2/2 split with Dragonmaster Outcast. Synergizes with Thunderbreak as well
October 12, 2015 3:31 p.m.
I really can't afford the outcast. I'm trying to buy a new computer atm and just finished a complete modern deck.
Mandalorian says... #2
I think you've got a pretty decent brew there. I'm not completely in love with the mana base but for budget I understand no fetches and such. Also not a big fan of Seeker of the Way in this deck. How do you feel about Wingmate Roc or Thunderclap Wyvern? Better Jeksai two drops would be Soulfire Grand Master or Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip but those are not budget.
I think Stasis Snare is a fine answer to cards like Deathmist Raptor and Hangarback Walker but I also like Silkwrap. Perhaps that in the side instead of Arashin Cleric. He just seems useless with all these red decks using Titan's Strength and Temur Battle Rage. There is also Surge of Righteousness.
October 12, 2015 12:42 a.m.