Help with standard Jund early game
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 15, 2015, 10:29 p.m. by capriom85
Son is playing Jund. He is running some removal and stuff like Drana, Liberator of Malakir, Surrak, the Hunt Caller, Thunderbreak Regent, Den Protector, Woodland Wanderer, and topping out the curse wth Tasigur, the Golden Fang and kolaghan the storm's firy. He has no 1 or 2 drop creatures but in those cmc slots he has Draconic Roar, Atarka's Command, and Despise. Also he runs Crater's Claws and Ruinous Path. Outside of the mana base that's about it. Did he miss anything? Would t be worth running Heir of the Wilds for early game?
UpperDeckerTaco says... #3
If you don't have a budget for it, I would recommend getting some early drops. A good card for Jund would be Warden of the First Tree. Another card that can fit in just about any deck, especially a deck running Kolaghan's Command, is Hangarback Walker the fact that you can kill your own Walker in response to their exile effect or in need to get some damage through the air or blockers, while dealing them 2 damage is awesome. I like the Drana in the deck. She's so good. I'm not a big fan of Woodland Wanderer just yet, but I can see it being very good. Only issue with it that I have, it doesn't do anything the turn you play it. Cards that do that generally are either 3 drops or less, or do something significant when they do something, such as Dragonlord Ojutai or Wingmate Roc. With Thunderbreak Regent and Surrak, the Hunt Caller holding down the 4 drop slot, I don't see much reason for the wanderer. That's just a matter of opinion though. It would make it easier to free up 1, 2, and 3 drop spots. Also, UNLESS you're a deck that goes wide, or a burn deck, hell, even a ramp deck, Atarka's Command is quite lack luster in the deck.
Basically, figure out what the deck is trying to do. Is it an aggro deck (with Surrak and Drana, I'd assume yes) then you need and want those 1, 2, and 3 drop threats. Are you a midrange-y ramp deck that goes into big threats, then you need mana ramp and Dragonlord Atarka and Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger would be your payoff cards. Are you a control deck, then you'd need lots of board interaction. Are you a combo deck, then you only need the combo pieces plus a little protection. I'd say comfortably frOM just reading above thag it is an aggro deck and you need to get on the board early and fast.
October 16, 2015 12:49 a.m. Edited.
ComputerizedMTG says... #4
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Den Protector, card is pretty awesome. Another card that combos well with the protector is obviously Deathmist Raptor but I don't think you got space to squeeze it in.
October 16, 2015 2:36 a.m.
Thanks guys! I don't think he ha any Kolaghan's Command so that one may be out. The deck has a budget but he has most of the cards and $200 is the base. We can go a bit over. I see the Atarka's Commandisn't needed so that frees up a few spots. It's definitely aggro and the Warden of the First Tree may be a good option. Hangarback a are a bit out of reach right I think. We tested it against my Temur aggro and it seemed weak early game. That's why I'm looking for the 1 and 2 drops. What about Heir of the Wilds in the 2 drop slot with WArden in the 1? I have been having great success with Heirs.
October 16, 2015 7:15 a.m.
HorridBEAST says... #6
Pretty much every creature in this list is , , or and you have no color fixing. That seems really risky to me. You say you have tested the deck, did you have issues with these double color spells? If you do have issues you can look at some single color spells like Shaman of the Great Hunt or color fixing ramp like Beastcaller Savant
A good way to combat aggro decks is to side into life gain and burn to remove their creatures. Feed the Clan is great life gain, and Arc Lightning, Radiant Flames, and Fiery Impulse are good for removing aggro creatures
October 16, 2015 9:20 a.m.
Never had trouble except the BB is hard to hit on turn 3 consistently sometimes.
October 16, 2015 10:14 a.m.
Here is what the list looks like so far:
24: lands
24: creatures
8: other
4: slots left
Cards in deck: 4Warden of the First Tree, 4Heir of the Wilds, 3Drana, Liberator of Malakir, 3Surrak, the Hunt Caller, 4Thunderbreak Regent, 2Den Protector, 2Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury, 2Tasigur, the Golden Fang
4Draconic Roar, 2Ruinous Path, 2Crater's Claws
What do you guys think?
October 16, 2015 11:14 a.m.
HorridBEAST says... #9
I don't really like Heir of the Wilds here. Deathtouch is nice, but it just doesn't do enough if you pull one of these in the mid-late game. I would rather run Rakshasa Deathdealer: Regen protects him from all kinds of removal or allows him to chump block indefinitely and his pump really makes the opponent have to think about if they can afford to block. Even if you have another play you want to make, all you need to do is have the mana up to pump the deathdealer and it's likely they wont block, letting you get in for two and then make your other play main phase 2 or if they block with something you wouldn't mind killing or trading with you can just go ahead and pump the deathdealer. And if you draw him super late, you can just sink 6 mana into him to make him an 8/8
ducttapedeckbox says... #2
It sounds pretty good. Have you guys done any testing? What are the weaker matchups?
I'd be concerned with faster decks, and if they become a problem, Heir is a good option. What about Kolaghan's Command?
October 15, 2015 11 p.m.