Help with Thopter + Mechanized Production
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on March 12, 2017, 10:28 a.m. by Langston
Hey everyone! I'm just now getting back into MTG for the fifth or sixth time. I've played since the beginning and have always had a huge love of swarm and spam decks. I played Slivers back in the day and again when the premium deck was released. I used a Myr spam deck in Mirrodin to decent effect. Now, I'm trying to build using Magic's favorite flying machine and the alternative win condition from Mechanized Production.
Here is the link for the deck - U/R: Thopter Production.
Obviously, it is not finished since there are no basic lands. I'm looking for advice as to how to make it work as efficiently and quickly as possible while still being effective if my win condition needs to just be spamming my opponent's life with endless Thopters.