Help with U/W Control in Standard

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 1, 2015, 1:36 p.m. by DirtDiver12595

Here is a U/W Control deck i'm messing around with. The description states what i'm looking for but essentially I just want your guys opinion on whether or not the deck is well positioned or not. Suggestions are of course welcome!

BFZ UW Control

dylanramirez_ says... #2

I'm not to good at building decks, but i suggest you throw in Breaker of Armies, and a really good one (for your side board in-case you go up against a blue deck) is Desolation Twin, because if they bounce/counter, the token still gets to be put into play.

October 1, 2015 1:57 p.m.

darklordocmn says... #3

The way I have my U/W control deck is with Thopter Spy Network. I use Hangarback Walkers and Prism Rings to set it off whilst gaining life for casting spells like Ojutai's Command or Narset Transcendent. I only run 2 copies of the command as I want my curve to be a little on the lower side. For creature removal, I use Celestial Flare and Stasis Snare. I would cut down on the 3 copies of Blighted Cataract, seeing as how you're paying six mana for two cards. For boardwipe-ish effects, my deck uses End Hostilities. Seeing as how Landfall is now a thing, the equipment Sword of The Animist seems like a great way to trigger it. Also, End Hostilities destroys land creatures as well rather than Planar Outburst which does not. My other wipe is only a one of for mana cost reasons. That card is Quarantine Field. This enchantment is pretty much the only Banishing Light/Oblivion Ring type of effect that U/W control really has access to. In my mana base I have two Tomb of the Spirit Dragons, seeing as how you're win con is Thopter Spy Network. Lots of Thopters makes lots of life. On top of that, I also run a singleton of Blighted Steppe to gain double the life for ALL creatures and not just colorless ones. Then, to filter for lands if I happen to be stuck, I run 3 copies of Anticipate. For my sideboard, I am currently running 2 Bane of Bala Geds. Combo that with 2 copies of Titan's presence, and most threats are off the table. Ulamog, in my opinion is too slow of a creature to cast. Especially if you are running a couple of sacrifice lands on top of fetches. I do like your addition of Ojutai, but I would have it in sideboard for removal heavy decks that involve black.

October 1, 2015 2:09 p.m.
October 1, 2015 2:22 p.m.

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