How can we make Sin Prodder Work?
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on April 18, 2016, 9:30 p.m. by ESTABAUSS
So I saw Sin Prodder get spoiled, and at first thought it was meh. Then I read it a few more times, thought it was bonkers, and tried it out in a few decks. Now I think it is decent but needs help.
My best place so far is in a value ridden midrange Jund deck (How Kalitas Junds 'em) with plenty of graveyard recursion with Goblin Dark-Dwellers and Den Protector. But 8/10 times my opponent would put the revealed card into my graveyard, and only 5/10 of those times could I get it back successfully with the aforementioned graveyard interaction.
So I'm trying to see if I, and the community, could build an aggressive, still value ridden, midrange deck to get the most out of Sin Prodder. My thinking being, the lower the opponent's life total, the more valuable the life loss and the actual card revealed are. If the opponent is low and lets me keep the card, it will help me kill them. If they put the card to the graveyard, then they have to pay life, helping me kill them.
Currently, I am testing him in mono-red Eldrazi (Sin Prodder Found a Home in Redrazi) and enjoying the initial results. It looks like it might be better than Jund. However, I am less looking for help for this specific deck, and more for help with Sin Prodder in any deck in standard.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #3
I am in love with Sin Prodder it's such a good card. Either way it generates an advantage. In my build, it's an aggressive midrange burn build that utilizes the madness mechanic but not overly using the madness mechanic. Take a look and see how you like it. So far it's tested very well and has a lot of stability and all my creatures have evasion in the form of either Menace or Flying to ensure damage happens early. Then I use burn and Prodder and whatever fatties of mine are on the table to quickly finish them off. Take a gander.
April 18, 2016 10:34 p.m.
I don't know if this is useful at all, but I've been playing around with Sin Prodder in modern
Sympathy for the delver (Modern Mardu)
The key thing is when to play it, as if you're behind it's easy for you opponent to lock you out of crucial cards if the overall cmc's aren't high enough.
MagicalHacker says... #2
Wouldn't RDW be his best place? Super aggro decks would like a cheap creature that gets the either more gas or more burn, no?
April 18, 2016 10:28 p.m.