how to play any deck
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 2, 2020, 2:38 p.m. by Grabnar
Is it possible to take two decks you've created and play them against each other? If so, how?
I think with online with MTG Arena you would need to have two accounts, get each other's handles and challenge each other directly.
September 2, 2020 4:28 p.m.
Though there are a few 3rd party MTG tools/sites where you can play against people too. I don't use them but I have seen them talked about here on T/O.
September 2, 2020 4:29 p.m.
I know quite a few people who just use the Playtest feature on your deck page, open up two decks in two tabs, and just simulate games that way. That's a good way to "goldfish" and see how hands play out.
September 2, 2020 5:19 p.m.
To piggyback off of abby315 you can also use the play tester for one deck and use a paper deck for the other so you need to switch back constantly
Massacar says... #2
The same way you would play against yourself in chess. Set up the two decks, shuffled, then determine which deck goes first (probably with a dice roll). Draw your opening hands and follow priority like it was a real game.
The biggest challenge is that you will know what is in the others hand, granting you knowledge you wouldn't have otherwise. It's important that you try to leave any deck preferences/biases out of your decision making and play as though you have incomplete knowledge of the other deck.
September 2, 2020 3:05 p.m.