I need some help with this Sultai deck.

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 21, 2017, 7:28 p.m. by abenz419

This is what I'm testing out right now. I've tried to explain a little bit in the description but basically this deck has gone through some variations. All had decent success, but felt like the deck overall could be improved still. Right now it's a sultai version and I really like the creatures that blue has given me, surprisingly (the converge flyer and Rogue Refiner. Both have actually complimented the other creatures I had in the deck pretty well.

The problem is that despite how useful Grasp of Darkness and Murder are right now, the double black is tough to have consistently, especially if I want to play other things as well. I need double green for nissa and it's rather easy to hit with this mana base. Hitting all 3 colors is also fairly easy, the only problem is hitting double green and double black. I know there are some u/b lands but they don't work well with the fast lands and the man lands and I like how well they set up my colors early so can cast multicolored 2 drops easily.So if anyone has some ideas about how to adjust the mana base so I can hit all 3 colors, double green, and double black consistently then I'm open to those suggestions as well.

Also, if you can think of some good suggestions to replace grasp and murder with that would be easier to cast consistently then I'd be open to those suggestion as well. Ignoring mana cost, I like this deck and it's typically the style of deck I'd play. Solid value creatures with enough ways to interact and deal with my opponents board, either to clear the way or answer important threats. But obviously that's not as doable when mana cost come into play. So like I said, I'm open to suggestions as replacements in that area, though I doubt straight up replacements will be found.

ErcMan013 says... #2

Attune with Aether would do exactly what you need while giving addition energy.

February 22, 2017 9:57 a.m.

Iffy says... #3

Link dosent work for me but Ill try to guess at what your deck needs, as Ercman mentioned attune with aether is a great way to fix ur mana early game given ur 1 drop spot isnt over crowded, and I can't tell how into your energy sub theme u are without a list but you said you are running rogue refiner, that with attune and maybe 1 other energy supplier will make your energy production good enough to warrant a playset of Aether hub and be able to consistently tap it for the mana you need also crumbling vestige but thats a band aid solution, but depending on ur creature, land planeswalker base u could run oath of nissa as a sort of pseudo attune to dig with lands in the early game but only if u can profitably gain advantage from the second effect, anticipate also checks this box but also doubles as a way to dig for anything in the late game, and if you want traverse u can but again only if you can benefit from the second ability vessel of nascency would help with enabling delerium and you could grab lands for mana fixing, as far as removal in those colors fatal push is one of the best options to the slaughter also isnt that bad,noxious is a solid curve topper, imprisoned in the moon is pretty bad but if your stretched for removal u take what you can get thats about all i can think of at the moment good luck with your deck though

March 7, 2017 9:55 a.m.

WarrKing says... #4

Link isn't working for me either, but have you considered Unbridled Growth? I personally have yet to use it,but i feel it could help you with your mana fixing issues? And it can net you a card later on when it looses its value.

March 22, 2017 1:48 p.m.

WarrKing says... #5

Apologies for a double post. But, as for replacing Murder I personally have found more use out of Fatal Push than Murder in standard. I don't know what your local meta is like but mine doesnt have many super important creatures beyond 4 drops, other than things like Verdurous Gearhulk, which has done its main task ETB,and a kill spell is usually a bit too late.

March 22, 2017 1:53 p.m.

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