I Need to Stop Building Standard Decks
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on July 22, 2016, 5:05 p.m. by TMBRLZ
So I'm toying around with some standard brewing thanks to EMN. Probably the biggest mistake I've made all week... unless we stop to consider the string of curse words I started shouting out loud at work because somebody was whining about nothing...
-clears throat-
Relevant Information:
So I made two decks in the last 24-ish hours. They're okay. Not terrible (I hope). Possibly playable.
First one was another Tutelage deck... cause Sphinx's Tutelage and things. Lots of cool new gas to use. Check it out. Let me know what you think. Upvote it if you think I'm sexy. The usual.
Sphinx's Visions
The second one I literally just drafted in about 20ish minutes. It's a straight Delirium deck in . And for those of you who stalk me, yes this was the same mechanic I was complaining about last week. But I figured screw it. More cards to use now. I actually like it. Same deal: Comment, Upvote, I'm sexy and you know it.
Deliriously Good
I'll toy with them on xmage this weekend and maybe try and build one with all my store credit at my LGS. See if they're worth any further thought.
Both decks are fairly affordable. The first being less than $200. The second being less than $100. Let's also note that Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip and Grim Flayer make up more than half the value of each deck, respectively.
Check them out. Show me some love. Tell me I'm a terrible person for trying to build standard. Cause standard is bad.
Oh and happy Friday!
lol thanks for the response DrFunk27.
Yeah Grim Flayer is an interesting player.
I think with some tweaking of a Jund/Abzan list he could be a deadly force in Modern, considering how quickly those decks generate graveyards, Bob and discard and all. And once you have your Delirium up and ready to go he's basically a scry three for the rest of the game. An easily attainable 2 mana 4/4 with Trample is nothing to ignore, and sounds easily worth it in Modern. I should probably get some too. Hopefully he doesn't spike before Tuesday.
I just remembered I used all my store credit this week to buy two Scalding Tarns I came across for my Niv-Mizzet combo as I was sorting out our TCG stock. And after running a few playtests on here of the Delirium deck, it's not notably fast. But after turn 5 or 6, it starts to get pretty gnarly. I will be spending some time on Xmage this weekend for sure.
July 22, 2016 5:45 p.m.
TMBRLZ The only issue for me in regards to Modern is it loses the Bolt and Decay test. There are far too many ways to interact with the GY too. I would love to see it played, but I'm not sure. I wouldn't be upset to have grabbed 2 Tarns lol
As far as it being slow, I agree. That's why the 2 drops need to make a difference, and cards like Flaying Tendrils are really important. Plus, we have the best removal in standard with Ruinous Path,Murder, and Ultimate Price.
DrFunk27 says... #2
I'm actually more interested in your outburst of curse words...however.
I've been on GB delirium since SOI, and after EMN spoiled, I knew I chose the right deck. It's solid. I'm struggling to buy Grim Flayer at $10 because I'm just not 100% sure he is worth it. However, the pro's heavily outweigh the cons. The fact that he is mythic, and not a legendary means he will carry a heavy price tag. If he shows up at the next big tournament, he could double in value. Deck manipulation is never something to scoff at, and when it's printed in colors that normally don't do that ( in this case), I think you really have to watch it. In any case, if you're in GB, I can't imagine you DON'T want to play it. sigh I guess I should go get 4...lol
Oh, and you're absolutely a terrible person for playing standard -- but so am I. The damn format just takes you by the throat and you can't get away. I've tried. At least I have disciplined myself to play decks that somehow include cards worth playing in Modern.
July 22, 2016 5:39 p.m.