I really tweaked me deck a lot, I could use some help
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on April 23, 2016, 9:51 a.m. by krunchyfrogg
insert witty "izzet" "RU" or "UR" name here.
I like the general layout, but I'm not sure about my land distribution, and if running three copies of Blighted Cataract is a good idea.
Ideally, I'd like to have at least 24 lands (for the guaranteed ability to cast early and often, and more options to discard late in the game), and I'd like to work four copies of Tormenting Voice into the deck as well.
Do I have too many cards to deal specifically with creatures? If somebody is playing a deck with few creatures in it, cards like Lightning Axe and Fiery Impulse are useless. Or is that really not an issue with current Standard games?
I ask because I haven't played since Ice Age, so this is all really theory crafting right now for me.
I really appreciate any and all help I can get. Thank you, in advance.