I want to make this deck Competitive in Standard

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on April 29, 2016, 10:49 a.m. by shepherdofire

I need help on making this deck standard competitive. I dont need people telling me nonsense. I need creative and knowledgeable people and anyone who has a constructive idea to help this deck. I was just told by some dbag on another site that this deck wouldnt go even. it has almost taken third place each week it plays. It can do well, but it can be better. Please. Be kind and constructive. only positive feed back or suggestions with substitutions will be accepted. All negative comments will be deleted. this needs to be a fully accepting positive environment. I try to help build the deck people want to make and make it the best possible. I am taking a deck that I love and asking you all to help with it. It acts as a black control deck with kill spells and hand hate. then there is an aggro finish to the deck. This deck can beat weenies, ramp, and tokens, has trouble with bant company and esper control.

Help me make my dream a reality.

Hey check out my deck HAND SURGERY!!!!!!!!!

Easy killer, don't get butt hurt lol

April 30, 2016 1:03 a.m.

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