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Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 1, 2016, 8:17 p.m. by SaberOne
A friend of mine suggested that I make an abilities deck based around Odric, Lunarch Marshal. I put together this abilities combo deck, with some light delirium elements.
The idea of the deck is to throw down some creatures early game, whip out odric mid game, and steamroll late game using Sigarda, Heron's Grace as a shield. the most likely combo in this deck is a first stike and something else, which is good for both defensive and offensive. since removal is the main enemy here, sigarda is suppose to hold it together.
And i already know it wont get me into any major events, I just wanted a decent budget build to bring to fnm. (it's budget cause I already own a few of the more expensive cards... just none of the cheap ones)
that was one of the plans :3
I also have Ormendahl, Profane Prince Flip and a decent token pool in case i need something unnecessarily large...
I used Gnarlwood Dryad to provide deathtouch. If you have any suggestions for mana balancing in this deck, it would be much appreciated...
MagicMike77 says... #2
First strike + Deathtouch is damn near unstoppable in combat
August 1, 2016 8:55 p.m.