Is bant rites a thing?

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 17, 2016, 2:19 p.m. by adamwasmo

Who else likes the bant aetherworks deck, but thinks it is too susceptible to control? As long as there is control present in the metagame, the aetherworks deck is going to keep on losing. This is a more resilient build of the deck, using tokens and Crytpolith Rites, tokens, and only a few finishers, rather than all of the dead cards the aetherworks deck runs. Suggestions greatly appreciated

Zaueski says... #2

Your deck didn't link so here it is:

Bant Rites

Standard adamwasmo


A couple builds I've found that increase its chances also include Metalwork Colossus as a protection against Lost Legacy. The deck runs mostly energy producing artifacts and Glint-Nest Cranes anyways so its a really good fit as a secondary wincon. As for the Blue counterspells you're going to encounter that regardless. The best you can do is just make sure you have plenty of Negates and Dispels in the side and main board.

October 17, 2016 9:18 p.m.

adamwasmo says... #3

Did you look at my deck list? number one, Lost Legacy sees no play. Number 2, all the cards you mentioned make 0 sense in this deck

October 17, 2016 10:29 p.m.

Zaueski says... #4

No I didn't, I apologize. The comment was directed at the Temur Aetherworks shell not your build. Your build seems fine but is also extremely susceptible to control. You're trying to build a creature based ramp deck and those never work well. If you want a good Emrakul shell but don't like the variance on Temur Aetherworks then just play Temurge. Its a lot better at fighting control and dodging removal.

Sidenote: While none of the pro players use it, to say Lost Legacy sees no play is ignorant. Its still a good sideboard card that most black decks at the FNM will be packing. You still need to be prepared for it.

October 17, 2016 10:40 p.m.

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