Is the new Emrakul a good enough control finisher?

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on July 8, 2016, 12:13 p.m. by Tedaboy

So I recently switched from this list.

Esper Control

Standard* tedaboy159


To this.

(EMN) Esper Control

Standard* tedaboy159


I think Emrakul, the Promised End is incredibly powerful. In this deck he will typically be cast for 9 or maybe 10 mana. I feel like he can just entirely blow the game out. Dragonlord Ojutai was good but he still died to a lot of instant speed removal after he tapped but before he got his damage in. He also dies to my own Languish. So I personally think the new Emrakul will be an excellent control finisher. Let me know what you guys think! All suggestions are appreciated! Thank you.

TMBRLZ says... #2

I would rather play Sphinx of the Final Word tbh.

July 8, 2016 12:16 p.m.

Tedaboy says... #3


July 8, 2016 1:26 p.m.

Tedaboy says... #4

TMBRLZ Last time I read Sphinx of the Final Word, it didn't say take control of your opponent during their next turn.

July 8, 2016 1:28 p.m.

TMBRLZ says... #5

Last time I read Emrakul, the Promised End, it still took AT LEAST 8 turns to cast.

Also please explain to me the infinite value you're going to gain taking their next turn and letting them play an additional turn afterwards?

Maybe pitch a card or two out of their hand if there are any that you can actually waste, and then tap all their lands?

That way they can untap them all immediately afterward?

Yeah it could probably put you ahead, but it's abilities aren't all that. It can still be blocked. It can still be removed. It can still be countered. Your most reliable control deck in Standard is either still going to be playing dragons or is going to be playing Grixis and playing Chandra, Flamecaller who can do far more to a board state in half the mana and half the time.

I'll stick to reliable win-conditions.

Not trying to be a dick. I'm just trying to be straightforward and realistic. And your response was a bit condescending. So don't go getting offended by anything I just said.

July 8, 2016 1:44 p.m.

Tedaboy says... #6

TMBRLZ, sorry but my deck centers around Narset Trancendent and I definitely need black for all the removal. What I'm saying is I'm not going out of Esper colors.

I think Emrakul, the Promised End far outclasses Sphinx of the Final Word I would play a 13/13 Flampler over a 5/5 Flyer all day. The fact that you take control of your opponents turn may not be absolutely broken, but it's still better than not doing anything. Also people really burn through their Ruinous Paths against his deck.

July 8, 2016 1:56 p.m.

Tedaboy says... #7

Sorry if I sound or sounded condescending. Didn't mean it like that. It's always hard to tell over text like this but I meant no offense and I wasn't offended either.

July 8, 2016 1:58 p.m.

TMBRLZ says... #8

No worries.

Everybody has a different opinion. Maybe the card will see play and people will make a 13/13 work, but I'm not buying it. You want to win and you want to win in an efficient time frame when it comes to Magic.

I doubt even most control players are going to wait that long and tap that much mana just to start their winning portion of the game.

July 8, 2016 2:21 p.m.

Tedaboy says... #9

Emrakul will almost always be in my deck. Many players are playing Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger as their control finisher right now so I definitely don't think he's too highly costed.

July 8, 2016 2:45 p.m.

ozzynomicon says... #10

Emrakul is amazing. I can't tell you how many times I've won strictly on the fact that she is immune to instants. Ruinous Path will be the go to card for her. Invasive surgery answers that issue day in and day out. Leave up 1 blue mana for an invasive surgery for the turn they have extra and you won't be disappointed. Trust me on this. I'm building a bug control deck that uses emrakul and mindwrack demon as finishers, but doesn't mean I can't win with other stuff. Flaying tendrils is gonna be a decent replacement for languish in new standard. The new standard is gonna be wrecked by control today. White has all the hard board wipes now. The fact that I can actually use counter as well. Makes esper a very strong deck. And you have stasis snare for your opponents big things and other things as well such as blight herder to make sure they stay out of getting em back.

September 21, 2016 2:06 a.m.

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