Is there a place for Black Eldrazi Control?

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 6, 2017, 6:40 a.m. by Metroid_Hybrid

I know it's probably not a tier-1 idea, but it could pull a few wins... Right?

So I have all the core Eldrazi from the infamous Modern/Legacy deck ( my Legacy deck for reference.. ), and I thought it would be cool to throw them into a Standard deck one last time before they finally rotate out forever..

Other stuffs that I already have playsets of:

So I figure between beefy Eldrazi and ridiculous amounts of removal, there's a rogue deck here that could piss a few people off & score me some booster packs in the process.. Am I right?

Ideally, I'm looking to keep it strictly / both for sake of mana consistency & minimal (additional) investment..

So with all of this in mind, what do you guys think? Is there a couple of pieces that could really pull this together? Or should I just say to hell with attempting Standard?

Argy says... #2

As far as I'm concerned every deck with a strong vision of how it will win, and how it will stop its Opponents winning, is viable.

As long as you are happy with not coming first at FNM. Although sometimes that is a pleasant result.

You are going to need some early Eldrazi with Ingest to get the most out of Wasteland Strangler. I know you have Transgress the Mind but I believe you will need more than just that.

Sludge Crawler and Culling Drone might be what you need.

An early Creature with Deathtouch would also be useful. You'd be surprised at the tempo advantage that can give you.

It lets you use a Creature as thought it is a destruction spell.

I consider Thought-Knot Seer essentially in this type of deck.

You might want to look at adding Harsh Scrutiny. I run it in a Control deck and the extra hand disruption + Scry is invaluable.

I would suggest that you build a deck so that I can test it and give you further advice.

That's what I find most effective.

February 6, 2017 7:26 a.m.

shepherdofire says... #3

DIE, DIE, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AER STD UPDATE yes there is. yes there is.

February 6, 2017 1:32 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #4

I use to have a deck like this, I placed 3rd at a Kaladesh gameday with this list here.

Mono Black Eldrazi

Standard Delta-117


I was 4-0, until I went and kept a terrible, risky hand against a R/W vehicles deck that consisted of a swamp, 2 Grasp of Darkness, a Complete Disregard, and some other Eldrazi. It was miserable I didn't draw a second land even after 5 turns and so I so after was killed. Game 2 was unfortunately not much different even after I sideboarded in some useful things, which I never even got to draw. I this time just got land screwed despite taking a slightly better hand...

But yeah I discontinued this deck as Ceremonious Rejection was driving me crazy. It is not fun at all to have my Void Winnower countered for 1 mana!

I'm sure by making some more changes this could be made much better now however. As you can see, this deck had several obvious elements for dealing with Aetherworks Marvel decks with Emrakul, the Promised End. I would start by taking out the larger Eldrazi as aggro decks are a pain, so some smaller creatures like Scrapheap Scrounger would be better. Then take out Gonti, Lord of Luxury and Noxious Gearhulk probably. I never for that deck had access to Fatal Push and so you will want that for sure.

I have to say it was a fun deck, and I almost now regret selling my playset of Thought-Knot Seers, Matter Reshapers, and Reality Smashers.

Well anyways I hope this helps.

February 6, 2017 1:46 p.m.

Mittenfist says... #5

I'm currently running such a deck myself. It's very strong, beats most if not all other non-black decks. Biggest pitfall: no artifact hate, and loses to reanimator and delirium in game one.

February 6, 2017 2:50 p.m.

DaftVader says... #6

I think there is a chance for Monoblack Eldrazi at the moment, but you'll have to load up with 4x Yahenni's Expertise and 2-3 Aethersphere Harvesters, maybe even with some combination of these in the mainboard.

Warping Wail should be able to carry you against CopyCat decks and Fatal Push and Spatial Contortion are great against GB.

One card you might want to try out is Metallic Mimic, as despite how common Walking Ballista is it's been performing well for me, especially if you wait until turn 3 with a Ruins of Oran-Rief to play it. The extra counters very much help you to stabilise.

While the Wasteland Stranglers are nice, I would much prefer Matter Reshaper backed up by Aethersphere Harvester, against control or aggro, especially since a turn 2 Transgress the Mind not followed by a strangler is a huge loss of tempo, and against more aggressive builds might not even hit.

Also, Reality Smasher is a perfect top-end card in every respect. Just add a couple of counters and it becomes more or less indestructible.

Once you're used to the matchups, you should be heavily favoured against CopyCat, 35/65 (preboard) 45/55 (postboard) against GB and very slightly favoured against mardu vehicles.

February 6, 2017 3:05 p.m.

Metroid_Hybrid says... #7

Sorry for the necro.. But here's a rough list I put together

As of this post, all I would have to pick up are the Harsh Scrutiny & Yahenni's Expertise.. However there is no Sideboard either...

February 10, 2017 9:28 a.m.

Argy says... #8

It looks quite good.

I'm preparing for Game Day at the moment. I'll give it a test after that.

February 10, 2017 10:22 a.m.

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