Jeskai Aggro?
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 22, 2015, 1:02 p.m. by icehit6
Hiya, I'm new to standard. Like, very new.
I'm a modern junky, and I've only been playing the game since march. I'm looking to delve into standard and play in some competitive tournaments in the format, but I want a good deck that's going to get me there too. With my limited knowledge from the drafts I've played, I've put together a pretty decent deck (I think so at least), and maybe you guys who are actually good with standard and have played for a while can help me!
Here's my build I was thinking about. And yeah, Im willing to drop the money on the deck/trade for all of the cards. If you can find any improvements for me based on what's rotating out soon, that'd be cool.
Thanks :)