Jeskai Superfriends (thoughts and recommendations)
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on June 19, 2018, 9:20 p.m. by Reclamare
Jeskai Superfriends
I built a jeskai Superfriends deck. I actually got to test play it yesterday against a Black Aggro deck to see how it’d do with a fast deck. It did great. It had 1 glimmer of genious which I did get in my hand quite a few times. Though, I felt that it was too slow to even use. When I did have 4 mana open, I felt like I had more important things to cast besides it. I switched it out for an Opt but have yet to test with it. Maybe a Supreme Will would be even better?
I wanted to see what you guys thought and if you had anything I should chance or try out. Thanks
EDIT: I’m going to switch Fumigate to main and Urza's Ruinous Blast to sideboard for now. Mostly because I was stuck with it in my hand waiting for a PW to stick for me to cast it.