Jund Control
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on June 12, 2015, 11:21 a.m. by Ragon_Wolfbane
I was originally working on a Jund Dragon deck but I started to find a lot of strong ramp right now is going to rotate out in a few short months so instead I've decided to go into more of a control strategy. Only issue is that I've never really done control before so I'm looking for advice.
Some things I'd like to do for a control deck is use things like Den Protector to return removal or answers from the grave. I'd like to also use my Frontier Siege as a means to generate a large sum of mana to make full use of both my mainphases in order to pump out responses or other nasty surprises. Also when I use to run the Dragon deck I used Commune with Lava to great effect many times. Is this card any bit good though in a control deck? I mean I know it's nice for grabbing what you need and such in a tight spot but I'm not sure if I'm better going with Outpost Siege leave your thoughts though!
Huh, I never seen Den Protector used as a control strategy. Interesting.
If you were gonna go with control, I would go with Esper or Dimir. The counter spells are about %50 percent of the deck and has better synergy with cards like Silumgar, the Drifting Death or Dragonlord Ojutai.
Jund is mainly an aggro/midrange playstyle. Without counterspells or cards like the ones I mentioned, control might not be the best. However, you could use board sweeps like Crux of Fate and hand disruption like Thoughtseize (Duress if you're worried about cards rotating out) to make sure the opponent doesn't have a chance to attack/destroy your stuff.
If you wanted to stick with Jund, you'd probably want to make it a midrange deck with cards like Thoughtseize and Dragonlord Atarka. You might also want to use the upcoming card Avaricious Dragon. It's great for card advantage in any deck using red because those colors don't usually create a bunch of card advantage.
I don't know, these are just my opinions. You could use some or none, it doesn't matter to me. Just as long as you create a deck based around your meta, not everyone else.
June 12, 2015 11:37 a.m.
Avaricious Dragon is terrible in control. You draw a kill spell that you want to keep for when they knock down a creature, but you have to discard it before they play it. Dragon is more for Burn/RDW.
June 12, 2015 11:39 a.m.
FAMOUSWATERMELON Well I didn't mean it for control. I meant it more for midrange/aggro if he were to stay the same colors, but I see your point.
June 12, 2015 11:43 a.m. Edited.
True dat. Even then though, it sometimes just forces stuff out of your hand. It's best in RDW because you need enough gas to finish the game, and Dragon does just that.
June 12, 2015 11:58 a.m.
Ragon_Wolfbane says... #7
Well Jund control doesn't have access to counters, but they do make up for it with both red's and black's high amount of removal while using Greens utility to get millage where it matters. Kolaghan's Command also works really well and helping just limit hands. I mean if jund doesn't work for control then I'll just go to R/B control with Dragonlord Kolaghan as a finisher in that deck and replace green stuff with more removal/hand disruption. I honestly don't want to play blue in the deck because I normally trade all my blue stuff off seeing it is my least favorite color and I'd have to either retrade a lot of stuff or buy things I already did trade off. Though that is just me.
June 12, 2015 12:06 p.m.
DreadnoughtMTG says... #8
Ragon_Wolfbane, I support you hopes and aspirations friend. You might not have access to the traditional "counter" based control, but kill spells are just as necessary to control the board.
Running R/B makes that an easy road to follow: lots of burn, lots of destroy. Dragonlord Kolaghan would be great at this point because the more creatures you through into the grave, the more chances you make for his ability to go off (although flashing him in would be best to really trap your opponent into this). You can also run lots of discard like you mentioned in order to remove threats before they ever present themselves.
Black Cats, Tormented Thoughts possibly, Mind Rot, Rakshasa's Secret maybe, Despise, Duress, and Kolaghan's Command are all fairly decent. Add Waste Not for a little extra benefit.Sidisi, Undead Vizier pairs well with Black Cat and Demonic Tutors into hand. Read the Bones for some ok hand restock.
Burn is easy; everyone knows good burn. Similar with destroy, Hero's Downfall, Murderous Cut, Foul-Tongue Invocation, Crux of Fate as previously mentioned.
As for green, Den Protectors can help pull back spells for a second use. Deathmist Raptor asserts his presence quite effectively and reaches huge value in combo with Den Pro. Dragonlord Atarka helps blow up the field. You could run probably just one or two Restock for some more hand replenishing.
I think you could pull it off quite nicely. I would steer away from a number of the 'exile at upkeep' cards so that you have a little more secrecy to your plays (it's good to keep opponents guessing when you play control). I'd love to help you along further if you like!
I'm not so hot on Commune with Lava because it means that your opponent knows what's coming. If you exile a killspell for example, your opponent will simply wait a turn for it to be gone and then play his creature. Same deal with Outpost Siege.
June 12, 2015 11:24 a.m.