Keeping with rotation, with time constraints.

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 15, 2017, 8:46 a.m. by JANKYARD_DOG

With work now it is tough to find time for any magic these days but I'd still like to have something available to play with. My current standard deck will rotate almost half the deck so it will be useless. I have a few ideas for build around, but haven't been able to get past that stage. Below are the interests in question:

Decimator Beetle : maybe B/G/X - counters?

Bastion Inventor : maybe the top end of an artifacts matter deck? U/X maybe with the new gold or thopters/servos? Voltron maybe?

Or a Prowess like deck maybe... if at all possible.

Thanks for reading and/or helping. Any help is appreciated, I love the game and hate not having enough time for it anymore. Semi budget btw, don't want to spend a fortune but doesn't have to be dirt cheap either.

Qolorful says... #2

I find it's always a bit dangerous to have a build around card, unless the card doesn't need support to be insane, or the support is insanely consistent. I.e Crested Sunmare is good to build around because lifegain just makes it harder to lose anyway.

That being said, I think -1/-1 counters is decent right now, and if you did jund you'd be able to use The Scorpion God for gas, as well as all the good counter cards gb has access too. Could be really strong

September 15, 2017 8:57 a.m.

JANKYARD_DOG says... #3

Ok... maybe not so much build around... but included in the grand scheme of things

September 15, 2017 5:39 p.m.

Qolorful says... #4

Yeah if you like the idea -1/-1 counters is pretty fun to play. Scorpion of, hipatra, nest of scarabs, and a bunch of -1/-1 counter makers with some removal and you got a solid deck

September 15, 2017 7:30 p.m.

Argy says... #5

You may be able to build Prowess as there are now a few Instants that do damage to Creature or Player.

Lightning Strike

I think RDW will be getting stronger with rotation, too.

September 16, 2017 12:40 a.m.

MWorl91 says... #6

Another idea is using Solemnity in a deck full of creatures that put negative counters on your own creatures

September 16, 2017 7:34 a.m.

MWorl91 says... #7

As for prowess, there's a new green merfolk in Ixalan with a sort of reworded prowess that gets +1/+1 counters when you cast noncreature spells

September 16, 2017 7:37 a.m.

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