Let's Finish The Game
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on May 24, 2016, 5:01 p.m. by TMBRLZ
So I realize I fell down on the job on keeping up with our game and I apologize. Life and such. But I've taken in the numbers I've received and I thank those who participated for their patience.
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, please refer to this thread.
Our rare is Sphinx of the Final Word. We're making control kids. What flavor? Or are we? Maybe a midrange that simply uses a control monster?
Well that's up to all of us isn't it?
Tappedout Community Standard Deck #1
I reach out to all you Standard players, competitive and casual alike, to come together and bring your wisdom to the table for one of the most exciting decks this website has seen.
Thank you in advance for all your help.
Oh oh oh! Make it an outright sphinx control/mill deck. Alhamarret, tutalege, sphinx of mogasi, etc. Then run a crap load of counter, instant speed removal/draw spells. Do a grixis color deck so you can do all three and still have the fun of "sphinx" themed gimmicks
MagicMike77 says... #2
Sultai Midrange? The usual black control, early game Sylvan Advocate, Tireless Tracker, Surrak, the Hunt Caller, Kalitas, a few Counters, Disciple of the Ring, Sphinx to top off the curve? Gaea's Revenge in the SB?Nobody is really running that right now
May 24, 2016 7:52 p.m. Edited.