Lilianas caress/Burning inquiry deck
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on March 9, 2017, 11:51 a.m. by Fr0sty11
I know this deck used to be good back in the day.. Like 2011 or so.
A B/R aggro deck.
I've played mine a few times and it seems to struggle
So this deck basically is one sided... I need to get 2 of either lillianas caress or megrim on the board.. Then play burning inquiry.. Then i need to reverberate.
This deck is ok... I feel like i need more draw. Or. Maybe some creature blockage.. I thought terminate, lighting and whatnot would take care of creatures but i seem to be losing alot with this deck by just direct creature damage.
Sometimes I'm mana strapped.. Any idea on cards to make this deck work.
It's really run when i get the right amount of manna and cards as this deck can really frustrate plp.. But right now that happens.. 1/5 matches it seems.
//Artifact (2)
//Enchantment (8)
4 Megrim
//Instant (14)
//Sorcery (13)
//Land (23)
9 Mountain
8 Swamp
Maybe board
SB: 1 Furnace of Rath
SB: 4 Mind Rot
I will work on making it a deck list tonight.
Want me to post a new thread in legacy or is there a way to move this thread.?
March 9, 2017 1:34 p.m.
I think a site admin would need to move it. If you can delete this one, then create a new thread in Legacy and delete this one.
Ryjo says... #2
This deck is not Standard legal, it belongs in the Legacy Deck Help forum. Can you make a deck for this via the Deck Builder link at the top of the page? Posting in this format is not the best for seeing what is in a deck.
March 9, 2017 1:13 p.m.