Looking for control help
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on June 3, 2017, 4:55 p.m. by Qolorful
I made a grixis control deck with pieces I already had, and it works fine as it is but I am looking to make it more competitive.
The idea with it is to control the board until you can get metallurgic summonings, then use memory, with or without torrential gearhulk to refill your hand and recast all your removal while creating small to medium beaters to close out the game.
Here's the decklist. If you have advice please leave a comment, thanks!
Izu_Korasu, I really like your ideas, thanks for the advice. The only thing that I have to question is in your mono blue suggestion, it seems like engulf the shore would just set back a lot of your progress in a metallurgic deck, considering you would permanently wipe all the tokens you already have. I am considering cutting to just B/R and doing a deck with Niblis of Frost and Torrential Gearhulk. Maybe Thing in the Ice too. What do you think of that?
June 3, 2017 6:46 p.m.
Izu_Korasu says... #4
for mono-u .... the nice thing about engluf/any other boardwipe is that you dont have to play it. Sure if you bounce the board your tokens will die, but if your bouncing the board, you probably dont have many tokens to begin with. (also lets you deal with threats that you couldnt counter at the time, and adds repeat uses to gearhulk)
heres a good summary of the R/U control decks that are doing well R/U Control @mtg-goldfishthat being said, as for your current ideas, niblis is a powerful card and the has potential (prowess+frost) but it may not be qualified for mainboard play. Mainly because at 4cmc and 3~4 toughness it activates your opponents mainboard removal, that would otherwise be a dead draw (same with Thing) ... and both really shine in creature heavy/creature-centered matchups. (also thing=engulf-choice)
Izu_Korasu says... #2
as far as control goes, Id argue that Mono-Blue is the most competitive, it takes advantage of cards like Engulf the Shore+gearhulk and is probably the deck that Metallurgic Summonings shines the best in (also loaded with counterspells) and because its only mono-u it is better at control in the first few turns, which is where your grixis manabase hurts (especially with spire only being online after turn 5~6 and lots of tapped lands)
either way, the planeswalkers dont really do anything for your deck (especially with artifacts at a minimum) so i would atleast drop them and possibly black as Red/Blue control is doing rather well now.
even if you keep the grixis shell, Torrential Gearhulk is the allstar, but Baral, Chief of Compliance, Enigma Drake, Rise from the Tides, Bedlam Reveler, Niblis of Frost, As Foretold and Dynavolt Tower are worth looking at.
June 3, 2017 5:53 p.m.