Looking for more help. New player

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 15, 2017, 12:25 p.m. by GoHardBrown

New to discord so didn't know where to go with my question. I started playing magic last spring, got all the rules down and learned a lot about the game, wasn't very successful but still had fun.

I took a lot of time away from the game until now because I was simply too busy to go play at the card shop.

I am now going to return to magic but the only part that really got me down before was constantly getting my ass kicked. I know you can't win every game but I felt like I was constantly behind seasoned players, lacking both the cards and skills to win. My lack of experience also didn't help my decks be better.

Any advice? Thanks ahead of time

Zaueski says... #2

If you want to play at the FNM or higher level and your store is halfway competitive, you need the better cards. In standard that means cards like Archangel Avacyn  Flip, Liliana, the Last Hope, and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar are required to win. A lot of seasoned players have studied the metagame and what is good in the various color combinations. Like for upcoming AER Standard, if I see a Wandering Fumarole Turn 1, my first thought is that they're playing Saheeli Twin, based on the mana that they would continue to play, I can predict what their deck does at what turns. Playing conpetitively and at least going even takes a lot of effort and study.

Conversely, if that is too much work, find a casual playgroup and just play decks to have fun. You don't need to worry about metagames aside from your little group and often times that is a lot more fun for beginning players. I personally spend a lot of time watching the Standard meta-game and I am constantly pairing cards together in my mind to see what works to be able to better predict games. The more information I get, the better my deck becomes and the more I win at FNM. I regularly play at one of the biggest shops in Ohio and I can usually top 4 pretty consistently by doing this and buying the better cards.

January 15, 2017 12:57 p.m.

JONO@MANA says... #3

Yeah as above :( top tier decks are going to win most of the time because of their power levels. some good advice is to go on www.mtggoldfish.comclick decks at the top, and they have a pretty comprehensive list of standard decks, including the price to make said deck. just remember to change it to paper value.

January 16, 2017 11:42 a.m.

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