looking for some suggesten for superfriends

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on May 6, 2016, 7:26 p.m. by Sagi007

What is it now 2 weeks? Well i went to Gameday to have some fun with a deck i build wanting to see if it worked anyhwere close to what id hoped.

Well it didnt it went badly.

So i looked at the issues i was coming across when playing it.

  1. To many mana entered tapped.
  2. Main wincon was to slow(Sphinx's Tutelage i know dont ask)

Soo i altered the manabase and that problem feels mostly solved atm.

The issue i has with Tutelage was that it was to slow unless i was facing a ctrl deck. So the card is now in my sidebord.

My plan was to replace them with Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. And while im still planning on doing so it might take a while to get those cards so im looking for some alternatives.

Currently i have 3-4 slots free. Im testing a couple of cards but im looking for other suggestions atm.

My deck: The Ceaseless Hunger for cards.

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