Looking to build Shadows only deck, ideas?
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on May 10, 2016, 2:20 p.m. by stewa238
I am looking to build a deck that is only shadows over innistrad. I am open to any and all options, I just want some good combos and speed. Any ideas would be welcome.
A friend and have decided to just use Shadows to build a deck to compete against each other. This is not for tournament use or and other game nights, just a friendly challenge.
May 10, 2016 2:31 p.m.
So, given that your manabase is the major factor in play here, go for a two-color combination. Draft archetypes are great ideas for deck archetypes:
GB Delirium
UW Small flying dudes and spells and tempo
BR Vampires
GR Werewolves aggro
GW Humans aggro
UB Zombies/control
May 10, 2016 2:38 p.m.
G/B Delirium is probably the strongest of all the archetypes to build around. B/R Madness can be good, too, if your draws line up well.
May 10, 2016 2:51 p.m.
I restarter the game in SoI only mode and it's kinda interesting.
I found some basic lists you can try
BR Vampires: pretty cool midrange madness deck.
GW Aggro-Control: You can go For both. Put in Thalias, Sigarda, Tireless tracker, Captain and Inspector. Full up with Declaration, Purge... All SoI goodies. xD
UB Zombies: lots of nasty guys with Colossus and Relentless dead on top. Try the Amalgam funny guy, some bounces and table control.
UW Spirits: Rattlechains is one of the best creature ever printed in terms of cost/power in blue. Put in Bygone Bishop and Topplegeist, surrounded by insta tapping (expose evil)and nasty tricks like Essence flux and Eerie Interlude.
GR Transformation: green has Great werewolves as well as red, which is more a supporting color Here. Use Arlyn obviously For max pleasure.
U Mill or Brain Combo: huge potential but still fragile. Anyway, you can go For milling with insanely cheap carda Like startled awake, manic scribe and various milling effect. If you don't care about pure milling, you can build a nasty deck around thing in the ice and Brain in a Jar For Engulf the shore, pore over the pages and Rise from the tides.
May 10, 2016 3:05 p.m.
Thanks for your comments guys, I will post when I decide and build the deck, but you have given some good ideas.
Epochalyptik says... #2
Any particular reason you want to do this?
May 10, 2016 2:22 p.m.