Looking to get back into Standard..

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on July 24, 2016, 8:51 a.m. by Metroid_Hybrid

After a long hiatus from the format, I recently realized that the Gatewatch Eldrazi that I originally bought for Modern are still Standard legal. I also noticed that Mono-Black (my favorite) has very strong Control options this season. So I decided to brew up a simple combination of the two with mostly stuff I already owned: Mono-Black (Eldrazi) Control..

Here's what I'm working with so far:

I'm looking to make this semi-"competitive", but a few points to consider...

  • I'm looking to keep this strictly mana symbol b/mana symbol c for time being (for sake of budget & simplicity)..

  • I'm looking to limit the number of Origins & DTK cards for sake of being "rotation ready"..

  • Please don't suggest Kalitas or either of the Lilianas' (for now at least).. I'm looking to make a strong Eldrazi theme work first, then I'll consider purchasing other options later..

  • My sideboard needs attention as well. It's basically some extra cards cycled in, as I have ZERO knowledge of the current Standard meta outside of it being very creature driven..

Thank you..

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