Merfolk in standard

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 23, 2018, 1:57 a.m. by Minihorror227

I have been wanting to build merfolk in standard ever since they were released in Ixalan, but they were not strong enough at the time to compete with the top decks.

With Rivals of Ixalan out, there are a lot of Merfolk that are unblockable, so i would like to take advantage of this. I can see Merfolk being a good aggro deck in standard.

right now i have a bit of a deck list put together and i owuld like all of your advice on what needs changed and what just plainly needs taken out of the deck. thank you all in advance and i hope you like the deck


Standard Minihorror227


SFA says... #2

I'd like to hear peoples opinions on how strong Merfolk will be come September.

With a lot of key decks in the meta ready to go it seems like Merfolk could get really competitive.

April 9, 2018 12:18 p.m.

Minihorror227 says... #3

SFA, after a few changes to mine, it's been running quite well. With Spell Pierce in hand, some control decks havent been an issue when they attempt a board wipe. i'm interested how it will go as well.

April 9, 2018 7:48 p.m.

SFA says... #4

Minihorror227 I have this feeling it could emerge as one of the early strong decks after rotations. People will need a little time to figure out new builds.

Loosing two blocks at once is going to really change the meta.

Are you running spell pierce and unsummon in the main deck?

April 10, 2018 10:45 a.m.

Avrose says... #5

Actually because Dominaria is a single set Block Kaladesh isn't revolving out till the end of the year.

April 10, 2018 8:16 p.m.

SFA says... #6

Avrose yeah, Kaledesh block and Amonkhet block all leave in September.

April 11, 2018 7:54 a.m.

Tezdemona says... #7

The more I read,the more I think everyone is suddenly having the same idea I had, "Merfolk could be good in Standard... I'll build a Merfolk deck."

April 11, 2018 11:05 a.m.

Minihorror227 says... #8

SFA, i run Spell Pierce main board but dont run Unsummon. my lgs is full of w/u control decks. i always love when they try to fumigate turn 5 and i just stop it.

Tezdemona, haha i've been wanting to build merfolk since Ixalan came out but until Rivals came out it just wasnt a viable deck. now it's got some potential

April 11, 2018 12:33 p.m.

SFA says... #9

Tezdemona That's exactly my thoughts. My deck is up and ready, but still think it might not be till rotations that its really going to kick butt.

Currently on the hunt for some cheap Walking Ballista

April 11, 2018 5 p.m.

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