Mono-Green Eldrazi Ramp! (Budget Version)
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on June 1, 2016, 12:30 a.m. by Triton
(Almost) Getting back into Standard from EDH, and decided to work on a Ramp deck with the cards I currently have after playing a Ramp commander. Note that this is budget, so I guess I'll set the price to $15?
Thanks zandl! I originally had Explosive Vegetation, but took it out (and regretted it) a bit afterwards for some reason. Thanks for the reminder that Hedron Crawler is a card, was thinking of creatures that could ramp and that slipped past my mind completely.
June 1, 2016 1:14 a.m.
AedhsCudgel says... #4
I'd recommend Shrine of the Forsaken Gods and Sanctum of Ugin because Shrine is a ramp land, and Sanctum allows you to keep getting big eldrazi. I'd also recommend cutting all the scion producers, maybe using Scion Summoner or splashing blue for Eldrazi Skyspawner because it's a 3drop that gives you 3 power. Nissa's Renewal is also a good ramp spell. For other big things to ramp to on a budget I love Void Winnower, Ulvenwald Hydra, and if you splash blue Altered Ego because it just feels good to copy an Ulamog or Ormendal and have it be bigger. You might also want to up your land count to 24-25.
June 1, 2016 6:39 p.m.
Not sure what it costs near you but i think [jaddi offshoots] generally gets more work done than blisterpod. Besides blocking some early aggro dmg it combos with [explosive vegetation] and [nissa's pilgrimage]. I never got much use from one scion.
June 1, 2016 7:48 p.m.
Thanks AedhsCudgel and warren667! I added the suggestions into the deck. Was going to consider Void Winnower, but he doesn't seem as powerful as I'd like him. What other annoying threats does he stop other than Ulamog? I'll for sure reconsider him. :)
June 1, 2016 10:13 p.m.
AedhsCudgel says... #7
Winnower stops Gideon, Sorin, and Nahiri from being cast. It stops Declaration in Stone, Transgress the Mind, and opposing ramp spells. It keeps tokens from blocking.
zandl says... #2
Explosive Vegetation should be a four-of, no question. The ability to jump from 4 mana to 6 (7 with a land) is insane.
I'd switch Beastcaller Savant to Hedron Crawler to help cast it sooner.
June 1, 2016 1:02 a.m.