My very first deck

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 12, 2017, 1:57 p.m. by GildedNocco

Hello guys, recently I found myself very intrested in Magic and I was wondering if buying the two prebuild planeswalker decks plus one box containing 36 boosters pack would be a good thing to do. I thounght that I can replace the cards that I do not like in the decks with the one that I find in the boosters and then build a better deck. My plan for now is just learning the game.

Thank you in advance guys!

PickleNutz says... #2

Buying a booster box is a great way to get started in Standard play and some of the cards from the duel planeswalker decks are pretty good. Figure out what color you want to play and construct a deck from the cards you have. Then, check online throughout tappedout and see how other people are playing similar decks. After that, you can pick up singles to maximize the efficiency of the deck. Selling off cards you don't use at the moment from the booster box is a great way to afford the singles too. Good luck.

August 12, 2017 2:23 p.m.

RowdyMagic18 says... #3

Hi Alemanf, welcome to the game of Magic the Gathering!!

To answer your question, a prebuilt planeswalker deck is great way to start learning the game of Magic. I highly recommend them as one of many ways to start playing the game.

A booster box is an ok option to spend money on if you are thinking about starting your collection or drafting with your friends, but in my personal experiences with buying boxes, I find it way more convenient to just go your local game store and buy singles of the cards you need for your decks, instead of spending $100 on a box and risk not opening any of the cards. Of course this isn't the norm. There is nothing wrong with buying a booster box, and then using the cards you open to upgrade your decks, I do that every now and again, because opening packs is very fun!

If you need any help with anything regarding the game of Magic the Gathering, the community of Tappedout and I are always willing to lend a helping hand. Good luck on the battlefield!

August 12, 2017 2:36 p.m.

GildedNocco says... #4

Thank you very much, really appreciated :)

August 12, 2017 2:37 p.m.

GildedNocco says... #5

RowdyMagic18 I am sorry, I didn't see your reply Thank you so much for your reply!

August 12, 2017 3:36 p.m.

RowdyMagic18 says... #6

Alemanf, no worries! Best of luck on the battlefield.


August 12, 2017 4:01 p.m.

GildedNocco says... #7

RowdyMagic18 do you suggest me any prebuild deck in particular? I have seen the two Hour of Devastation decks on amazon and are going for 25euros for both of them. Is that good or are there better ones?

August 12, 2017 5:12 p.m.

Argy says... #8

If you buy the current Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh and Nissa, Steward of Elements Planeswalker decks they will be Standard legal longer than some of the other decks.

The current Nicol Bolas Planeswalker deck is particularly fun to play.

I would strongly advise that you don't buy a booster box.

You can seriously open one and maybe get only one god or Planeswalker, neither in your colours.

It's much more efficient to tweak Planeswalker decks, and purchase the singles you need.

Here is an example of how you can tweak the Nicol Bolas Planeswalker deck:

Nicol Bolas tweaks

August 12, 2017 9:39 p.m.

Atroxreaper says... #9

I bought the amonkhet pair then built zombies and red white exert.

August 12, 2017 9:43 p.m.

Argy says... #10

Fair enough.

You can probably find a deck tech to upgrade them better, if your upgrades need some tweaking.

August 12, 2017 11:02 p.m.

GildedNocco says... #11

I found this deck online and I really like the playstyle:

4 Glint-Nest Crane4 Ornithopter4 Baral's Expertise4 Reverse Engineer4 Engulf the Shore4 Paradoxical Outcome2 Whir of Invention2 Aetherflux Reservoir4 Bone Saw2 Implement of Improvement4 Inspiring Statuary4 Prophetic Prism4 Renegade Map18 Island2 Commit / Memory2 Dispel2 Metallic Rebuke3 Negate2 Vexing Scuttler

what do you think? If I buy these cards is there a possibility to upgrade it in the future? Thanks

August 13, 2017 10:39 a.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #12

Alemanf just out of curiosity is this Saffronolive's list? Also, in terms of standard some valuable pieces will be rotating very soon. With that said the list is solid and the combo is pretty cool so I would say the deck can be competitive especially in a casual meta.

However, if this is one of your first decks than combo can be challenging especially a combo that has as many important interactions as this one, seeing how this combo needs certain cads to just stay alive. Overall, the list is solid and can be upgraded over time but for a first deck just be aware that combo is a steep learning curve.

Best of luck!

August 13, 2017 10:53 a.m.

GildedNocco says... #13

I was looking for a mono color deck (B/G/BLUE)any suggestion for that?

August 13, 2017 10:58 a.m.

GildedNocco says... #14

Oloro_Magic thanks for your advice and I guess you're right. I really liked the idea but I believe is far too soon to play a deck like this. The fact is that I would prefer a mono color deck

August 13, 2017 11:01 a.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #15

If you are just starting out mono green or red are generally the easiest to pick up, green stompy is cheap but good and can be made for pretty cheap from nothing but commons.

Pauper list (you can add any uncommons, rares, mythics) -->

These are pauper decks so they only have commons but they are good blank templates to build decks from. This is the easiest place to learn from but it isn't for everyone, honestly you should do what you want to do just be aware that a color like U (blue) can get more complicated as it tends to be more controlling.

I wish you all the best, if you ever need any help just comment on my wall and I am more than happy to help.

August 13, 2017 11:10 a.m.

Caerwyn says... #16

I would recommend against buying a booster box--you'll get a lot of junk and very few cards you might actually want. Opening the packs is fun and all, but I do not think it is the ideal way to play.

Things like the planeswalker decks are a wonderful way to get into Magic--they usually are not the best decks, and usually have poor mana curves/mana flood issues, but they usually offer a wide range of options and allow you a sense of several different mechanics. The best part? Most all of the duel decks/planeswalker decks/clash packs/other silly names they've come up with for the same basic principal are on a similar power level--you can play Profit from Profit v. Power (2015) against the Heroes deck from Heroes v. Monsters (2013). This ensures a couple things: (1) the decks you purchase will never be obsolete, since you can always use them for casual game nights/playing with friends who do not have their own decks, (2) multiple decks will give you a better understanding of different mechanics, and (3) if you get a couple, you can have a wide range of "fair" matches.

Most gaming stores will keep the older duel decks in stock, so it might be worth checking out if you want to rapidly expand your collection of pre-made decks.

That said, rather than just buying duel decks, I would recommend you construct your own. With thousands of cards, that can be a bit overwhelming, I know, but here are some tips for a new player building a deck:

  • Use the Gatherer--Magic's online card database. It is wonderful and allows you to search by any metric you can imagine.

  • Make a tribal deck. Sticking to one tribe (i.e. one creature type--Slivers, Zombies, Cats, etc.) helps keep you focused, and prevents you from wandering down the rabbit hole that is the Gatherer.

  • Try not to make your searches too broad or too narrow. You do not want to be overwhelmed, but, at the same time, reading hundreds and hundreds of cards is, in my opinion, the best way to learn (1) what language Wizards tends to use, and (2) what sorts of cards you tend to find interesting.

August 14, 2017 9:53 a.m.

GildedNocco says... #17

cdkime thank you for replying! In fact I am not going to buy a booster box, at least not now, and I will build a mono-G stompy deck.I was also thinking about building a vampire madness deck but since I saw many good vampires are going to be illegal in standard in few months, I am not so sure about it. What do you think?

August 15, 2017 3:55 a.m.

Caerwyn says... #18


It depends on how you plan to play. If you want to get into standard, then it might not be a good idea to build a deck that shall shortly be obsolete.

That said, Vampires are a solid, fun tribal, and give you numerous paths for deckbuilding. If you plan to get involved in Modern or simply play tabletop, Vampires are a fairly solid choice for starter deckbuilding.

August 15, 2017 9:41 a.m.

Argy says... #19

Personally, I WOULDN'T build Vampires.

Someone new to our LGS came along with a Vampire deck and got absolutely smashed.

They used to do OK when the meta was a bit slower, but it's too aggressive for them, now.

If you build them you'll only be able to play with them for a couple of months, then they will rotate out.

Wait until Ixalan drops and build a deck then. You will have Dinosaurs and Pirates to play with, if you want to go tribal.

August 15, 2017 2:31 p.m.

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