Need a bit of help with U/G Eldrazi
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 13, 2016, 10:22 p.m. by Rudmed
My deck:
Indifferent Destruction
So I played this deck at the last Magic event on Tuesday. I played against three decks. Rally, a heavy counter spell control deck, and then a R/G Eldrazi ramp deck.
This deck split games in all 3 (I went 0-2-1), so I feel as though I am close to something, but I just wanted some feedback on two cards.
Scatter to the Winds and Reality Shift Should I even have these cards in this deck? My goal should be ramping up and I always felt it was a bit odd to have these cards, when I could have bigger and meaner creatures or more ramp.
I was thinking either Conduit of Ruin, 1 more Rattleclaw Mystic, or more ramp cards or bigger creatures. What do you all think? What do you think should go into this deck, including cards from Gatewatch?
Also suggestions for sideboard would be appreciated! Thank you!
Rudmed says... #2
So...does silence mean, I shouldn't take out counter spells/removal, or simply that I have not explained it fully.
January 14, 2016 5:53 p.m.