Need Feedback For Origin Standard Gruel Deck

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on July 16, 2015, 5:32 p.m. by RCPotatoSoup

I've recently built a standard Origins deck consisting of:x1Polis Crusher

x4Pharika's Disciple

x3Nissa's Pilgrimage

x3Lanowar Empath

x2Joraga Invocation

x2Strength from the Fallen

x1Zendikar's Roil

x1Mantle of Webs

x1Rhox Maulers

x1Titanic Growth

x4Mage-Ring Bully

x4Akroan Sergeant

x4Lightning Strike

x3Titan's Strength

x2Ravaging Blaze

x2Firefiend Elemental

x1Infectious Bloodlust



Its supposed to be some kind of creature ramp with some mana ramp and burn. Needs work, I know.

bsian says... #2

So first of all, you should just make the deck then link it with (( deck - large : deck slug )), , (with whatever your deck slug is, brackets instead of parentheses, and no spaces),which turns into

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it's much easier to read. Second of all, the archetype this looks most similar to is R/G Monsters/Dragons, here's a sample list.

July 16, 2015 7:21 p.m.

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