Need Feedback on W/U Control
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 29, 2016, 1:49 p.m. by Bowtimes
Hey guys! I'm getting back into standard (and magic in general) after a few years, and I'm wanting to make a deck that I can top tournaments with, and tinker, without spending $300+ dollars.
My current deck is W/U Control, which had alot of issues against rush decks at first. I feel like I've fixed that somewhat, but I had to give up some late game control for it (RIP Elder Deep-Fiend).
I've tested this deck out against Esper Control, Chandra Gearhulk decks, Elderazi Tokens, Vehicles and other rush decks. It seems to do alright, if not win most of the time. However, I still feel like it can be improved alot. If anyone has any suggestions, especially when it comes to handling the early game against rush decks, and late game against planeswalker decks, I would appreciate it.
Update: I've just added a sideboard, which will give me more options when it comes to utility. Again, if you have any input, I would love to hear it!