Need Help Building Control (Post-Saheeli)
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on April 27, 2017, 6:56 p.m. by SoggyGecko
I can't decide which would be best for the new (post-Saheeli Rai) Standard landscape. I'm hoping control is viable, as that will be the only reason for me playing Standard again. Here's my thoughts:
I have 3 ways I would go about it, synergy wise. First, Drake Haven build around. Hoping it'll be workable. Next, Gideon of the Trials and crew as my main win con. I really think this is the most powerful option. And finally, Torrential Gearhulk smash. Simple, and probably not elegant.
From those, I have several color combos:
UB - Grasp of Darkness and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet are the big additions from this mana base.
UR - Fevered Visions is cool, plus Magma Spray is awesome.
UW - Cast Out and the Gideon squad. Plus easy mana base.
UWR - Basically UW, with the addition removal of Magma Spray and Harnessed Lightning.
UWB - UW with now Transgress the Mind and Fatal Push. Also adds that black cycle enchantment (can't remember name).
UBR - Two one mana removal spells make this one alright, but has no Cast Out. Least likely option for me.
This is not an exhaustive list, I just want to hear your thoughts on what you think is the best, and why.
Thanks in advance!
I've been having great luck with Grixis so far. I do miss the inclusion of Cast Out, but with that being the only relevant white card for my deck it just wasn't worth the splash imo. Link to my deck: Grixis Cycling if you're interested. I've looked into Esper and its decent, but you lose a lot of synergy for the bit of control you pick up. Jeskai could work potentially, but my last deck was Jeskai so I'm switching it up.
Two color doesn't have enough synergy imo to build around Drake Haven as a control deck... It fits into Two Color Zombies, but the dedicated control build is still a few cards short in two colors... You have to build around Blue Hulk if you want to do anything relevant.
April 28, 2017 12:40 a.m.
Well Control in standard starts and ends with Blue, Green is ass for control and no temur towers dosent count thats Izzet with a splash for attune and rogue refiner, anyway control isnt something you usually want to be brewing with this early in the format since u dont know what to control against too much but if we're assuming mardu is still top, as well as the other creature based decks then the best way to go will be red since it has 3 of the best sweepers in the format kozileks return, radiant flames, and that new one that cycles not to mention great spot removal like magma spray and harnessed lightning and incendiary flow. Black has fatal push, grasp of darkness and the new artifact hate card disposes as well as old and new lili. white dosent have too much in terms of removal, ill give them fumigate which is great but higher up they also have dec in stone stasis snare and cast out, spell queller is alright but at 3 mana id rather just counter something with a void shatter or disallow maybe even an essence scatter or negate, stasis snare is just too high for something that can return if they take out the snare, overall im just not feeling white rn for control Id say Blue black is the best, but if u wanna cover all ur bases Grixis would be the most utility heavy way to go
April 28, 2017 5:35 a.m.
Hardhitta7 says... #5
I'm going to run the Temur Drake Haven deck. Actually just ordered the cards 10 minutes ago. It looks like a fun deck to me. Here is the list: Drakes on Bicycles.
Edit: I realize it's not one of the mentioned color combos, just throwing it out there. Good luck and Glory to the Firemind!
May 6, 2017 4:26 p.m. Edited.
You didn't link to a Temur deck, dont know if thats on purpose or not
BladeMasta220 says... #2
UR is gonna be the strongest while decks are emerging because it is pretty much established rn, has good answers to most things(although does suffer to heavy planeswalker decks), has a smooth mana base, and is somewhat cheap. I think we are maybe a set or 2 away from having U/W being really good. 3 color control's manabase isn't great rn unless you run green as one of the colors and even then it's probably for a splash and more midrangey. Haven't tested much U/B control however.
April 27, 2017 7:56 p.m.