Need HELP building Standard R/B Sac Deck for a League - ASAP

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on April 5, 2016, 10:02 a.m. by dragonsandgoblins85

Hello everyone.

I need some help... i'm building a Standard deck and its been awhile playing that Format. So i haven't built one in a long, long time. What cards should i use. I had a great Standard deck w/ Priest of the Blood Rite as my main theme but now that Rotation happened i'm having difficulty building this deck. I want to keep Priest of the Blood Rite as my main focus. I love how he works, i'm good at knowing how to sac and bring him back. BUT, the main problem is since Theros Block and Khans/Fate rotated out it screwed things all up for me. Another problem is... i have alot of Origins and BFZ cards but not alot from the newest sets. So having x3 of a card is hard for me. Haven't really been buying cards recently so that's why. If anyone can give me some suggestions that'd be great.

Sac'em to Kill'em B/R Rakdos


Thanks everyone, hope to hear from all my friends. d&g85

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