Need help finding burn for Goblin Deck
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 4, 2015, 9:03 a.m. by VitaMorti
I've been working on putting together a mono-red goblin deck ( Red Goblins Win ) for Game Day this Saturday (8/8/15) and I've been having problems finding decent burn spells for it. Three of the best spells ( Wild Slash , Searing Blood and Exquisite Firecraft ) I just can't find copies of in any of the local stores and I can't order them online due to current time restraints. Are there any viable alternatives out there or do I need to drop some of the burn focus and get combat tricks instead?
Argy says... #2
I would guess that lots of burn spells are being snapped up at the moment because a burn deck just won the recent pro tour.
There are some other tricks you could try with your goblins. Titanic Growth shouldn't be too difficult to find.
Collateral Damage can be used as a burn spell, sacing a smaller creature you don't need any more.
I've seen lots of copies of Fiery Impulse around.
Kindled Fury is another cheap trick that can give you an advantage.
You might be able to find Twin Bolt.
Rending Volley would be useful as a Sideboard card.
Impact Tremors could help you out if you have quite a few goblins entering play.
Magmatic Chasm can be a cool trick to get a lot of damage through at the end.
You might be able to find some Ravaging Blaze around. Good effect if you can get some smaller non-creature spells in the graveyard early on.
Smash to Smithereens can really work as a Sideboard card right now, with all the Thopters running around.
With a fast deck Tormenting Voice might be useful.
Good luck with your deck and enjoy game day!
August 4, 2015 10:21 a.m.