Need help! Hapatra's zombies
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on May 12, 2017, 6:53 p.m. by monitz87
These are the cards I own right now, so none of them (other than hapatra and the plague belchers) are set in stone. I would like to keep the zombie sub-theme if it were possible though.
The main purpose of the deck is to flood the board with snakes and start dealing damage with the plague belchers early on. I also wanted to take advantage of the plague belcher's ability with zombies, and so I tried to build a small but solid zombie sub-theme.
I haven't got the first clue about deckbuilding or the current meta, so any suggestions are appreciated.
What I've noticed so far is that this deck lacks hardcore removal. I was thinking of at least adding fatal push (which works well with the plague belchers, snakes and overall -1/-1 counter theme). I'm also wondering if I should add more crocodiles for a more aggressive deck, or maybe some nests of scarabs, but the thing is I don't know what to take out in order to add any of these things, or how many of each I should add.
Another thing I think I will do is replace the Tattered Mummys for Doomed Dissenters as they work better as sacrifices for the belchers or any other creature that puts ETB counters.
Any sideboard suggestions would be greatly appreaciated. Only thing I know should be there is 4 prowling serpopards for the sideboard (but I wouldn't know what to take out to put them in).
Any other suggestions are welcome as well.
UPDATE 5/13/2017:
- Replaced Tattered Mummy with Doomed Dissenter (better synergy with -1/-1 counters)
- Replaced Giant Spider with Crocodile of the Crossing (more aggression)
- Removed 1 Cartouche of Strength and 1 Cartouche of Ambition to make room for an extra copy of the aforementioned cards
monitz87 says... #2
Please, any feedback at all will be greatly appreciated
May 15, 2017 4:13 p.m.