Need help to build delirium deck

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on April 7, 2016, 11:28 a.m. by DragonsGoddess

I really like the delirium mechanic and i would really love to play a deck with it but i dont know how to build one,and what color is suppost to be in a deck like that.

Im also wondering what is the win condition for a delirium deck

DragonsGoddess says... #2

If it helps my favorite delirium card is Mindwrack Demon

April 7, 2016 11:33 a.m.

AverageBoss says... #3

A friend of mine has been hammering out a list that revolves around Delirium. This is where he is sitting at now:

Delerium Dance

Standard* Voltek


I have also built a deck that acheives Delirum pretty easily, though that was not intentional and I did not build the deck around the mechanic.

Aria of Sorrow

Standard* AverageBoss


April 7, 2016 1:50 p.m.

Miist says... #4

I just made this deck:

Delirious Deeds

It runs super smoothly, just needs a SB. I was unsure what to have in the SB, because I have no clue what the meta is going to be

April 7, 2016 8:32 p.m.

TacticM says... #5

This is what I am running.

The win con is to get Delirium by turns 2 or 4. After that you keep dropping down creatures and whacking your opponent for 6! Inexorable Ooze can hit your opponent for 6 on turn 4 and 9 on turn 5. Soul Swallower can hit your opponent for 6 on turn 5. If you do the maths, either your opponent is gonna run out of creatures or die pretty quickly. If you dont draw Soul Swallower or Inexorable Ooze early on, chances are you will have Ancient of the Equinox out.

May 14, 2016 9:23 a.m.

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