Need help with Nissa Ramp

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on June 23, 2017, 7:11 p.m. by Whataboutcookies

I am looking for help building a standard ramp deck around Nissa, Steward of Elements The goal is to ramp up early and hit with her -6 ability. I'm just looking for some cards to build around her. Any ideas?

Argy says... #2

June 23, 2017 7:27 p.m.

Make the deck bant and run as many ramp cards as you can. Nissa's Renewal Corrupted Grafstone etc. Toss in like 3 Descend upon the Sinful and 3 Baral's Expertise. The ramp should be enough to let you hard cast nissa for 8 and activate the ability. The board wipes will help you survibe long enough to do so. Blessed Alliance Select for Inspection and Primal Druid can buy you time to get your plan going. The druid will also help you ramp when it dies.

June 24, 2017 6:30 a.m.

abby315 says... #4

Sylvan Advocate is a great early blocker/attacker who scales well with land-ramp strategies and buffs Nissa ultimate.

I would consider 1-2 Ulvenwald Hydra so you can ramp and protect yourself from flyers.

Depending on how much your game plan really wants to be about nissa, the new Djeru printing that tutors for a walker might be an include. You definitely want a good amount of creatures because against slower strategies, an early Nissa spitting out permanents can run away with a game just as much as a late game blitzkreig one can.

Removal will be key. I'd go either Bant for boardwipes, as suggested above, or temur for damage-sweeps and spot removal. I'd lean towards temur, but against token strats like zombies and Abzan the new 6 mana Hour of Revelation or whatever will be awesome if you can cast it.

Run 4 Attune with Aether or Traverse the Ulvenwald, Traverse if you're white and don't want energy, attune if you're red and are running Harnessed Lightning.

June 24, 2017 10:27 a.m.

You definitely need a playset Cascading Cataracts to net some indestructibility for the flyers you gain from nissa's ultimate.

June 25, 2017 1:57 p.m.

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