Need help with U/B Control deck.

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on June 4, 2015, 12:56 p.m. by SnoopDogge

So i've built this UB control deck, but im having some trouble piloting it at Locals. Ive only been playing mtg for like 9 months so probably im making mistakes or misplays, so i would like some help.

My deck:

The first problem im encountering is against Abzan Aggro. Theres a lot of it at my LGS. I dont know the correct line of play against them and How to sideboard. They ussually drop a Rakshasa Deathdealer and if i dont hace counter Magic its really hard to kill it.

Other problem i have is that i dont know if i should swap the Silumgar's Scorns for Dissipates, since ive had trouble making the Scorn a hard counter.

What would you advice i change on my deck and How should i play it?

English is not my native language so sorry for any mistake.

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