Need Sideboard Suggestions for a Combo Deck
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on June 16, 2015, 4:14 p.m. by Gorgosaurusrex
I've been brewing up the dumbest deck of my magic career, humbly titled "Temur Trash" (it's also been called "RUG Rubbish"). It's a stupid combo deck using Descent of the Dragons and Dragon Tempest to win via damage through ETB triggers.
It's a terrible deck, but it's a ton of fun to play. This is only for FNM level competition... No PPTQs in sight with this pile.
The deck in question:
Descent of the Dragons Combo Playtest
SCORE: 75 | 32 COMMENTS | 12666 VIEWS
I'd really like some sideboard suggestions as I've been out of touch with the standard meta for a bit. Something to combat hyper aggro decks and Esper Dragons would be the best choices. Right now my sideboard feels a bit clunky as most of it ties into Battlefield Thaumaturge (cards like Icy Blast, Arc Lightning, Hour of Need, etc).
Any help is appreciated, thanks!