New to standard, help needed!

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on March 28, 2016, 9:07 p.m. by MasterToasty

I am brand new to the standard format and am seeking help with some aspects of deck building in it. I have played magic for a few years, mostly casual and modern, and do not know the details of the standard meta. In short, what colours are good (or going to be) in standard and what is a reasonable time frame to try to kill the opponent? Also what decks are currently dominating the standard meta? And finally help on my standard deck idea, All These Eldrazi Are Making Me Delirious!, would be apreciated.

I would start off by posting a link to your deck on here to make the life of whoever wants to help you a little be easier.

As far as what decks are going to dominate the meta....well rotation is about to happen so people can only make speculations: vampire and warewolf tribals look very aggressive, humans and zombies looks alright as well, Esper control can definitely be a thing, but overall I think B/W midrange/control decks are going to be pretty damn strong. Other than speculations your guess is as good as ours. What deck CURRENTLY dominate the standard meta won't mean much of anything as rotation is about to happen in just a couple of weeks.

As far as a good time frame to kill your opponent goes: there isn't one. It is all very dependent on the deck you play. The goal is to win, simply because you see an aggro deck win turn 4 does not mean it's better than a control deck that would win turn 8. What archetype of deck you pick, is going to dictate whether you win earlier or later in the game.

Are you aware of standard rotations? Standard is not an eternal format and older sets in the current standard end up rotating out as new sets come in. This link might help you out if you don't know what is currently legal in standard.

March 28, 2016 9:18 p.m.

MasterToasty says... #3

I know about the rotations, I was just hoping that someone could give a better view of what is probably going to be good in standard, and could give some insight into how the format usually plays out in comparison to the others.

March 28, 2016 9:24 p.m.

Argy says... #4

The_Riddlebox said most of what I was going to.

It's too difficult to judge which decks will do well after rotation. There are a lot of cards going out which had a big impact on the game, and a lot of new mechanics coming in.

I would think that we will continue to see decks after rotation that use Den Protector, and Deathmist Raptor.

I would also still expect to see some Eldrazi ramp decks featuring Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger.

I'm not expecting to see as many Landfall decks using Reflector Mage.

These are fairly wild guesses, though.

March 28, 2016 9:37 p.m.

Hideousgamer says... #5

I say if you're trying to break into standard go for an tribal deck from SoI. Westvale Vampire Aristocrats That is my build for quick little jumping point. Other then that what the others have said holds true.

March 28, 2016 10:31 p.m.

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